For The Win ! is a scoring software for dance competitions, and results archival.
To build Ftw backend, you will need a working OCaml and Opam installation. To install OCaml and Opam, you can follow the following instructions:
- For Windows :
- For Linux, MacOS, and BSD:
It is recommanded to use ocaml 5.0.0 (see issue #10).
Once you have a working ocaml environment, run the following commands to create a switch and activate it.
opam switch create scrat_ftw_switch 5.0.0
eval $(opam env)
To build Ftw frontend, you will need a working NPM installation.
To validate that NPM is correctly configured, you can run the following command and check that there are no errors.
npm --version
Here are some common and useful development dependencies (these are mainly useful for vscode, other setups may need different deps).
opam install ocaml-lsp-server ocamlformat
Once you have a working OCaml and NPM installations, you'll need to install the OCaml dependencies, as well as the project's npm depencies. It can be done using the following command:
make configure
Once all dependencies have been installed, you can build the project with the following command:
With this command, frontend code will be compacted in a production-ready form
and stored in src/frontend/build
(symlinked to src/backend/static
Ocaml code will be compiled and ready to be deployed.
you can run a test instance of the server using the following command:
make run
To test a change, save changes, stop the server and run make run
For faster feedback loops on frontend code, it is possible to use hot module reloading
. It should be possible to deploy an ocaml backend against src/frontend/src
instead of src/frontend/build
, but it is developped yet.
To deploy a frontend dev server with hot module reloading, run
cd src/frontend/src && npm start
Npm server will be deployed on localhost:3000
, with no access to api or ocaml backend.
See doc in in
Read the documentation about concepts to know what should be developped. Then read how to add a new concept.