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“Yossarian also thought Milo was a jerk; but he also know that Milo was a genius.”

What is this?

Minderbinder is a tool that uses eBPF to inject failures into running processes. Presently it can inject failures into system calls by attaching kprobes to the system call handler and failures into outgoing network traffic by attaching a traffic filter to Linux's traffic control subsystem.

You can read a bit more about the motiviation and implementation details in this blog entry.

What's it for?

Minderbinder aims to make it easy to generically inject failures into processes. At the moment you can write a config.yaml that describes the failures to inject and the processes to inject them into, start minderbinder, and see what happens.

Video demo

Running Minderbinder

Check out config.yaml for a complete example. Minderbinder supports two different interventions - syscall and outgoing_network:

    # Stop curl from using `openat`
    - name: break_curl_openat
      syscall: openat
      ret_code: -2 # NOENT / no such file or directory
        - process_name: curl
      delay_ms: 100 # Milliseconds to wait after the process starts. For openat, this gives the process a chance to start properly.
      failure_rate: 100
    - name: break_wget_network
        - process_name: wget
      delay_ms: 100 # Milliseconds. In this case, 100ms should be enough to get a DNS request through for the endpoint, before breaking the actual transfer to the HTTP server
      failure_rate: 100      

To run minderbinder, you specify the configuration file, and if you are using outgoing_network, the interface to attach to:

sudo ./minderbinder --interface enp67s0 config.yaml

Note: The graphs that pop up show general system call behaviour across the monitored values, and don't directly reflect the actions minderbinder is performing on the targeted processes.

How's it work?

Here's a helpful diagram! At a high level, the flow is:

  • The user-space app reads the configuration file, attaches necessary probes, and writes the configuration into syscall_target_config and outgoing_network_config eBPF maps
  • The execve kprobes catch new processes launching. Upon finding processes that match targets in the _config maps, they add the PID data to the target configuration and update the corresponding _target map. For example, a matched element in syscall_target_config leads to a PID+target configuration being added to syscall_targets
  • The eBPF responsible for each module then fires for its particular hooks, and upon finding a relevant entry in its _targets map, and "breaks" the operation being considered accordingly
graph LR
    classDef mapClass fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef probeClass fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef mapLink stroke:#f9f,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
    classDef defaultClass fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

    subgraph "Configuration Maps"

    subgraph "App - Configuration Loading"
        F[Load Configuration]
        G[Load Syscall Targets]
        H[Load Outgoing Net Targets]

        F --> G --> A
        F --> H --> D

    subgraph "Runtime Maps"

    subgraph "execve Process Targeting"
        L["Is Syscall Target?"]
        M["Is Outgoing Net Target?"]

        I["kprobe(execve)"]:::probeClass --> J["Record parent details"] --> C
        K["kretprobe(execve)"]:::probeClass --> L
        K --> M
        A -.-> L
        D -.-> M
        C -.-> L
        C -.-> M
        L --> B
        M --> E

    subgraph "syscall Module"
         N --> O["Targeted process?"]
         B -.-> O
         O --> P["Delay past?"]
         P --> Q["Random chance met?"]
         Q --> R["bpf_override_return(err)"]

   subgraph "TC Module"
        X --> Y["Targeted process?"]
        E -.->Y
        Y --> Z["Set socket mark"]

         S --> T["Socket mark set?"]
         E -.-> T
         T --> U["Delay past?"]
         U --> V["Random chance met?"]
         V --> W["return TC_ACT_STOLEN"]

Big Picture

The long-term goal is to provide a back-end for existing unit test frameworks, so that we can write component tests that can trivially break the code under test in interesting, chaos-related fashions. This might look something like this:

func TestYourAPIHandler_DownstreamFailure(t *testing.T) {
	// Create a new request
	req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/your-api-endpoint", nil)

	// Record the response
	rec := httptest.NewRecorder()

	// Failure configuration
	cfg := FailureConfig{
		OutgoingNetwork: [] OutgoingNetworkFailure {
                Protocol: "TCP",
                DestPort: 443,
                FailureRate: 100

	// Wrap the actual handler call with Minderbinder. Because Minderbinder is injecting
    // failures into this process using eBPF, we don't need to elaborately craft stubs here;
    // we can setup the 
    minderbinder := &Minderbinder{}
	minderbinder.WithFailures(cfg, func() (*http.Response, error) {
		// Call the API handler
		YourAPIHandler(rec, req)
		return nil

	// We should get a 502 / bad gateway back
	assert.Equal(t, http.StatusBadGateway, rec.Code)
	assert.Equal(t, "Downstream service failed\n", rec.Body.String())

This gives us a mechanism to test our application and services resiliance in the face of failures. Traditionally we would do this either by extensively stubbing all the interesting interfaces around the application and injecting failures, or, using some chaos engineering tool to inject failures into the entire aggregate system in a deployed cloud environment. Because Minderbinder leverages eBPF for the failure injection, the code needed for each supported language would be straightforward, as it would simply have to configure the native minderbinder component.


Use eBPF to inject chaos into local processes







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