The LCS land classification system uses historical satellite imagery from Google Earth and determines the classification of land in the image for comparison purposes.
This system is a prototype and should be treated a such. Currently only Mac OS X is supported. The system has only been tested with Java 1.6.
For optimum performance: Open GoogleEarth and select View -> Historical Imagery. You can also maximize screen real estate by hiding the Toolbar and Sidebar and selecting View -> Navigation -> Never.
The project uses Maven to manage dependencies, test, build and produce javadocs.
In order to compile the project, you'll need to download and install boofcv version 0.2 and libpja into your local maven repository.
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=boofcv-0.2.jar -DgroupId=boofcv -DartifactId=boofcv -Dversion=0.2 -Dpackaging=jar
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libpja.jar -DgroupId=libpja -DartifactId=libpja -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
To run all tests and build the package
$ mvn package
To run the application
$ java -Xms256m -Xmx2048m -jar target/lcs.jar
If you think you have outdated compiled classes, clean up the build directory and run package again.
$ mvn clean && mvn package
Sample locations:
Location | Latitude | Longitude |
Antananarivo, Madagascar | -18.884964 | 47.549713 |
Mbabane, Swaziland | -26.315826 | 31.120203 |
Maseru, Lesotho | -29.343169 | 27.462407 |
Maseru, Lesotho | -29.335653 | 27.444118 |
Mbombela, South Africa | -25.461111 | 30.928889 |
Polokwane, South Africa | -23.92472 | 29.46889 |
Tamale, Ghana | 9.40972 | -0.86167 |
Lilongwe, Malawi | -13.930545 | 33.762609 |