Installation instructions for Codename SCNR:
- Docker installation -- for Mac OSX, Linux and MS Windows. (recommended)
- Automated installation -- for Linux.
- Manual installation -- for Linux.
- Dependencies for headless environments or WSL
git clone codename-scnr-installer
cd codename-scnr-installer
docker compose up -d --build # Start the services.
docker exec -it codename-scnr-app-1 bash # Connect to the container.
# From within the container:
./ # Install Codename SCNR over the network.
In some Linux distributions, you may need to preface the docker
commands with sudo
You can now run Codename SCNR by using the executables under the scnr-v*/bin
- For a CLI scan you can run
bin/scnr URL
. - You can use Codename SCNR Pro by running
For more information please consult the documentation.
You can run ./
when a new version is released to install it automatically.
Use docker compose stop
to stop the container, and docker compose start
to start it again.
DO NOT use docker compose up
nor docker compose down
, as they will delete all filesystem
data, including the license.
To install run the following command in a terminal of your choice:
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
You can now run Codename SCNR by using the executables under the scnr-v*/bin
- For a CLI scan you can run
bin/scnr URL
. - You can use Codename SCNR Pro by running
- Setting up PostgreSQL is recommended for production workloads.
For more information please consult the documentation.
For a more reliable Codename SCNR Pro experience, it's best to configure it to use PostgreSQL.
Please exchange secret
with a secure password in the role creation commands.
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE USER "scnr-pro" WITH PASSWORD 'secret';
postgres=# ALTER USER "scnr-pro" superuser;
# Backup SQLite config.
mv ~/.scnr/pro/config/database.yml ~/.scnr/pro/config/database.yml.bak
# Set to use PostgreSQL config.
cp ~/.scnr/pro/config/database.postgres.yml ~/.scnr/pro/config/database.yml
Now edit ~/.scnr/pro/config/database.yml
to change the password from secret
From the Codename SCNR package directory:
bin/scnr_pro_task db:create db:migrate db:seed
- Download the latest package.
- Extract.
- Run
bin/scnr_activate KEY
to activate your installation -- if you haven't already done so for a previous release.- Acquire a license activation key -- if you haven't already done so for a previous release.
You can now run Codename SCNR by using the executables under the bin/
For a CLI scan you can run bin/scnr URL
For more information please consult the documentation.
You can run Codename SCNR Pro by running bin/scnr_pro
If you'd like to use the Codename SCNR WebUI, its database will need to be prepared.
Out of the box, the WebUI comes configured with SQLite, however, for better results and performance please switch to PostgreSQL.
Please exchange secret
with a secure password in the role creation commands.
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE USER "scnr-pro" WITH PASSWORD 'secret';
postgres=# ALTER USER "scnr-pro" superuser;
From the package root directory:
# Backup SQLite config.
mv .system/scnr-ui-pro/config/database.yml .system/scnr-ui-pro/config/database.yml.bak
# Set to use PostgreSQL config.
cp .system/scnr-ui-pro/config/database.postgres.yml .system/scnr-ui-pro/config/database.yml
Now edit .system/scnr-ui-pro/config/database.yml
to change the password from secret
If this is a fresh installation, you can setup a DB with:
./bin/scnr_pro_task db:create db:migrate db:seed
If you'd like to update an existing installation you can do it with:
./bin/scnr_pro_task db:migrate
For minimal environments such as headless servers or the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please first run:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev libnss3-dev libxss-dev libasound2
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