Central Instance Registry.
Install mongodb. - debian installation
Install Nginx, uwsgi, uwsgi-plugin-python, git and python stuff.
sudo apt-get install \
nginx \
build-essential python python-dev python-virtualenv \
uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python \
Create and activated virtualenv.
sudo chmod ugo+rw /var/local/
virtualenv /var/local/sdmc_env
source /var/local/sdmc_env/bin/activate
Clone sdmc git repository.
git clone [email protected]:scitran/internims.git /var/local/sdmc
Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a logging directory, and make it writeable from webserver users (www-data?).
mkdir -p /var/local/sdmc/log
chown :www-data /var/local/sdmc/log
chmod g+w /var/local/sdmc/log
Copy and edit configuration files. The nginx configuration will need to know the location of the server certificate and server key. The uwsgi configuration will need to know the location of the pem file. Certificate file should contain certificate only, server.cert. Key file should contain key only, server.key. Pem file should contain private key, then certificate, and intermediates. See instructions for creating a pem file for more information.
cp production.ini.sample production.ini
cp nginx.conf.sample nginx.conf
vim production.ini nginx.conf
Configure nginx.
ln -s /var/local/sdmc/nginx.conf \
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/sdmc \
Configure uwsgi.
ln -s /var/local/sdmc/production.ini \
ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/sdmc.ini \
Fire it up.
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service mongodb restart
sudo service uwsgi restart sdmc