Alfred Workflow for Hunter Douglas Platinum Gateway
README for Hunter Douglas Platinum Control
Firstly, I would like to thank the folks at SmartThings and tannewt on github for their work on showing me how to build a alfred workflow and for sample dump of the tcp dialog and initial python code with the Platinum gateway respectively. Their appropriate license files are included in this distribution.
To use:
Step 1: Install the Platinum Control Alfred workflow
Step 2: open Alfred and
w_update <gateway-ip>
w <scene-name>
runs a scene
wi <up|down|n> <window-name>
rolls a specific window to a specified position - can be up/down or a number n where n is numeric %age up you want the window - 100=up, 0=down
wr <up|down|n> <room-name>
rolls all windows in a room to specified position