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sw-pschmied committed Sep 19, 2018
0 parents commit 8bec1c6
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Showing 238 changed files with 55,989 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .repoResources/demo/
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ffmpeg -v warning -i $1 -vf "$filters,palettegen=stats_mode=diff" -y $palette
ffmpeg -i $1 -i $palette -lavfi "$filters,paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=5:diff_mode=rectangle" -y $2
Binary file added .repoResources/demo/filter.gif
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Binary file added .repoResources/demo/fuzzer-sniffer.gif
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Binary file added .repoResources/demo/import.gif
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Binary file added .repoResources/demo/knownPackets.gif
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# The dir of the start script (this file)
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

cd $DIR/src
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![Alt text](/.repoResources/mainTab.png?raw=true "CANalyzat0r main tab")

*This software project is a result of a Bachelor's thesis created at [SCHUTZWERK]( in collaboration with [Aalen University]( by Philipp Schmied.*

*Please refer to the corresponding [blog post]( for more information.*

# Why another CAN tool?
* Built from scratch with new ideas for analysis mechanisms
* Bundles features of many other tools in one place
* Modular and extensible: Read the docs and implement your own analysis mechanisms
* Comfortable analysis using a GUI
* Manage work in separate projects using a database
* Documentation: Read the docs if you need a manual or technical info.

# Installing and running:
* Run `` along with ``
* Or just use the docker version (Check the subdirectory)

For more information, read the HTML or PDF version of the documentation in the `./doc/build` folder.

# Features
* Manage interface configuration (automatic loading of kernel modules, manage physical and virtual SocketCAN devices)
* Multi interface support
* Manage your work in projects. You can also import and export them in the human readable/editable JSON format
* Logging of all actions
* Graphical sniffing
* Manage findings, dumps and known packets per project
![Alt text](/.repoResources/demo/knownPackets.gif?raw=true "Recognizing known packets")
* Easy copy and paste between tabs. Also, you can just paste your SocketCAN files into a table that allows pasting
![Alt text](/.repoResources/demo/import.gif?raw=true "Import SocketCAN files")
* Threaded Sending, Fuzzing and Sniffing
![Alt text](/.repoResources/demo/fuzzer-sniffer.gif?raw=true "Fuzzing and Sniffing at the same time")
* Add multiple analyzing threads on the GUI
* Ignore packets when sniffing - Automatically filter unique packets by ID or data and ID
* Compare dumps
* Allows setting up complex setups using only one window
* Clean organization in tabs for each analysis task
* Binary packet filtering with randomization
* Search for action specific packets using background noise filtering
![Alt text](/.repoResources/demo/filter.gif?raw=true "Filter Tab")
* SQLite support
* Fuzz and change the values on the fly

# Fixing the GUI style

This application has to be run as superuser. Because of a missing configuration, the displayed style
can be set to an unwanted value when the effective UID is 0. To fix this behaviour, follow these steps:

* Quick way: Execute `echo "[QT]\nstyle=CleanLooks" >> ~/.config/Trolltech.conf`

* Alternative way:
* Install qt4-qtconfig: `sudo apt-get install qt4-qtconfig`
* Run qtconfig-qt4 as superuser and change the GUI style to CleanLooks or GTK+

* Or use the docker container

# License

This project is licensed under the [GPLv3](
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions doc/Makefile
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# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation

# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = python -msphinx
SOURCEDIR = source
BUILDDIR = build

# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".

.PHONY: help Makefile

# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
Binary file added doc/build/doctrees/contributing.doctree
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Binary file added doc/build/doctrees/index.doctree
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Binary file added doc/build/doctrees/manual.sniffertab.doctree
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Binary file added doc/build/doctrees/requirements.doctree
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Binary file added doc/build/doctrees/src.ui.doctree
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/.buildinfo
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# Sphinx build info version 1
# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
config: d98642f88a3972666c5dae46eace0f76
tags: 645f666f9bcd5a90fca523b33c5a78b7
Binary file added doc/build/html/_images/db_model.png
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Binary file added doc/build/html/_images/icon.png
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38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/contributing.rst.txt
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Here's some useful info if you want to contribute.


- Each tab has its own Class. If possible, inherit from :class:`~src.AbstractTab.AbstractTab`.

- To provide comatibility:

- The displayed data should also be in a raw data list called ``rawData`` which is *always* up to date
- ``prepareUI`` initializes all GUI elements
- ``active`` manages the status of a tab
- Tab specific CANData instances are called ``CANData``

- Please log useful information using an own logger instance
- Use existing Toolbox methods if possible
- Use batch database operations using raw lists (not objects) for better performance
- Use docstrings
- Keep the ``.ui`` files clean: Always name new GUI elements properly according to existing ones
- Put new strings in the Strings file and reference it

I want to add a new tab, what do I have to do?
- Create a new tab on the GUI and stick to the already existing naming conventions
- Add a QTableView to display your data and other GUI elements
- Update `` using `pyside-uic mainWindow.ui >`.
- Add a new File and a new class which inherits from :class:`~src.AbstractTab.AbstractTab`
- Call the parents constructor in your ``__init__``
- Add the GUI elements from the ``.ui`` file to your code. You can refer to the other tabs
to see how it's done. Also, add the click handlers here.
- Call ``prepareUI`` as last action in ``__init___``
- If your tab needs an interface or displays interface values: Add your tab
class or instance to :func:`~src.Toolbox.Toolbox.updateInterfaceLabels` and/or :func:`~src.Toolbox.Toolbox.updateCANDataInstances`.
- If your tab uses an instance: Add an instance to `` and create one at startup (see ``).
- If your tab uses a static class: Call `prepareUI` at startup (see ``).
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/index.rst.txt
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.. CANalyzat0r documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 20 15:53:44 2017.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to CANalyzat0r's documentation!

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
:caption: Contents:


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.comparertab.rst.txt
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Comparer Tab

What can I compare?
You can compare two sets of packets. You will get all packets
they have in common.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.filtertab.rst.txt
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Filter Tab

What can I filter?
Let's suppose you want to find (a) specific packet(s) that get
generated when you (for example) press a button, accelerate or lock
the cars doors. The captured CAN traffic contains so much data that
you can't seem to find the packets easily. Let's use the filter tab:

- You can collect background noise containing CAN packets that
are sent on the bus without any user interaction
- After that, a variable amount of samples get captured. You have to
perform the desired action **in every sample** - e.g. lock the
doors in every sample.
- As soon as all data has been captured, the filter tab begins to
analyze it. It filters background noise out of each sample and tries
to find packets that occur in every sample. These are most likely
the packets your are looking for.

How can I try this without a car or CAN device?
Use ICSim!
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.fuzzertab.rst.txt
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Fuzzer Tab

What does this thing to?
Using this tab you can send random packets into the CAN bus to discover
things. You can tune settings that control random packet generation
using the GUI elements.

What are masks?
You can write static values into the masks or put an X if that character
should be randomized. Using this, you can freely control the payload
of generated packets.
Hint: You can change masks and lengths **while fuzzing**.

Other fuzzers are much faster!!1!
This is a python based fuzzer which also displays the packets on the GUI.
This convenience costs performance. If you want the best performance
you can use ``cangen`` of the ``can-utils`` package and import the
created packets later.

What are the modes?
- User specified: You can freely specify ID and data masks
- 11 bit IDs / 29 bit IDs: Only short/extended IDs will be used
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.general.rst.txt
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Why can I change interface settings in every tab and why is there a global interface?
You can set a global interface in order to set the selected interface
for every inactive tab. On top of that, you can override this setting
for every tab individually using the button. This allows you to e.g.
fuzz on ``can0`` and sniff on ``vcan1`` at the same time.

Well, how can I manage packets in between tabs?
You can:
- Select rows and copy them to another tab (if allowed)
- Delete rows by selecting rows and pressing ``Del`` on your keyboard

Ok Ok, but how can I import my SocketCAN dumps?
Just copy and paste them into the GUI tables <:

What are known packets?
Once you discovered that packet XY does Action ZZ on your car or
setup, you can add this knowledge to the database using the manager tab.
This adds the discovered information globally for a specific project.
Using this, the "Description" column in the GUI tables in filled with
data, so you can recognize a re-occuring packet.

I've discovered a bug, pls fix!
Pleae report bugs using GitHub issues, Thanks.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.maintab.rst.txt
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Main Tab

Welcome to CANalyzat0rs main tab!
Here you can change interface settings and creat/remove virtual CAN
interfaces. Don't worry, the kernel modules should aready be loaded for you.

Where's my interface?!?!1!
If you can't find your attached CAN interface in the ComboBox, please
check the output of ``ifconfig -a``. In order to use your interface
with CANAlyzat0r, a SocketCAN device must be present. Maybe you have to
load another kernel module/driver?

Creating and selecting projects

On a fresh startup, you should encounter a message saying that a new
project should be created. You can still use this application without a
selected project. However, one can't save dumps or known packets.
To create a project, please refer to the manager tab. After you
have created a project there, you can set it as active project in the
main tab.

Log levels
You can set the minimum log level for which messages will be printed
to the log box in this tab.

Where's my data being saved to?!!?
By default, CANalyzat0r creates a SQLite database called "database.db"
in the data folder. Please take care of this file as everything you
discover is saved here.

But what if i want to export my data?
Please check the manager tab and learn on how to export projects and
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.managertab.rst.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Manager Tab

What can I do using the dumps tab?
You can save a set of packets that you want to keep (e.g. for further
analysis) and save it to the database. This allows you to load the
dump again at a later point.
Hint: You can edit the values in the GUI table and update the values
in the database using the update button.

I know packet XY has effect ZZ, do I create a dump or a known packet?
Just create a dump with one packet entry and the application will
handle the rest for you.

Importing/Exporting projects
If you want to import/export projects, use the manager tab. It exports
all saved data of a project to a editable textfile in JSON format.
Go ahead and edit values if you want, but be careful and don't mess
with the data integrity <:
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.rst.txt
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CANAlyzat0r manual


You can use **CANAlyzat0r** to quickly analyze the CAN bus in many ways.
It's great.

.. image:: ./_img/icon.png

This documentation will guide you through the usage of the application.
Also, you can find the code documentation in this document if you want
to extend and/or contribute to this project.

Usage: Tab by tab

.. toctree::

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions doc/build/html/_sources/manual.searchertab.rst.txt
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Searcher Tab

What can I search for?
Using this tab you can perform a binary packet search for a
specific packet or a whole packet set that cause an effect.
Let's suppose you've fuzzed and got a large packet dump that, when
replayed, causes an effect on your CAN device / car. You now want to
extract the relevant packet(s) out of that dump. Searcher tab to the
rescue -- Load the whole packet dump and let the analyzer routine
guide you.
Note: This first tries to search for **1** packet that causes an action.
It this fails, the searcher tries to continously minimize the packet set.

It doesn't work!!1!
Don't give up too fast, try the following things:
- Set the packet gap to a lower value, you can even try 0
- Just try again and hope for better shuffling
- Use another dump/fuzz again, ...
- Wait a few seconds after each chunk

It still doesn't work :(
CAN devices can be extremely tricky, for example spedometers. Depending
on your dump, you may have to try it multiple times with the same dump
because of packet timings and/or bad luck. If you replay your whole
dump and see the desired action, you will be able to find it using
the searchter tab.

I want to do it manually, how can this tool help me?
Create a new sender, add the dump to it and send them in a loop.
Minimize the packet set from the bottom using your "CTRL+C" and "DEL" and try
again. If it didn't perform the desired action, paste the packets again
and delete other packets.

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