python3 -m pip install git+
using a virtualenv:
virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -e .
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install git+ssh://[email protected]:schemen/privacycow.git#egg=privacycow
git clone && cd privacycow
virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# configure your config.ini
# run privacycow once, it will create a sample config file at
# ~/.config/privacycow/config.ini
privacycow && vim ~/.config/privacycow/config.ini
Have a look at config.ini.example
for the sample configuration
# The default domain used as an alias domain. I recommend purchasing an
# unrelated domain and adding it to your Mailcow installation. Alternatively
# you can just use your main domain.
# The address emails will go to if a GOTO is not defined in the
# [$RELAY_DOMAIN] settings section.
GOTO = [email protected]
# These two settings should be self explanatory and will be used if
# there is not a MAILCOW_API_KEY or MAILCOW_INSTANCE setting in the
# [$RELAY_DOMAIN] settings section.
# The settings to be used when is RELAY_DOMAIN. RELAY_DOMAIN
# in the [DEFAULT] section is defining this section as the default.
# All three parameters are optional here as if they are not defined
# the setting from DEFAULT will be used instead.
GOTO = [email protected]
MAILCOW_API_KEY = another_api_key
# These settings can be used by calling privacycow like this:
# privacycow list
GOTO = [email protected]
# Note we have chosen not to define MAILCOW_API_KEY and
# MAILCOW_INSTANCE here so the values in [DEFAULT] will be used instead.
➜ privacycow
Usage: privacycow [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--debug / --no-debug
--help Show this message and exit.
add Create a new random alias.
delete Delete a alias.
disable Disable a alias, done by setting the "Silently Discard" option.
enable Enable a alias, which disables "Silently Discard".
list Lists all aliases with the configured privacy domain.
➜ privacycow add -c "terrible place"
Success! The following Alias has been created:
Alias ID: 29
Alias Email: [email protected]
Alias Comment: terrible place
➜ privacycow disable 29
Success! The following Alias disabled:
Alias ID: 29
Alias Email: [email protected]
➜ privacycow list
ID Alias Comment Active
22 [email protected] bad actor Active
28 [email protected] test Active
29 [email protected] terrible place Discard