released this
17 Apr 23:59
Bug fixes
Fixed registry name of AWS Marketplace.
Fixed to avoid outputting credential information as a log.
Fixed to use getTargetHost() to properly get LEDGER_HOST.
Fixed busybox version in Dockerfile.
Fixed a bug to use the intermediary mode.
Fixed the bound argument of FunctionalInterface for gRPC stub method in ThrowableConsumer and ThrowableFunction.
Fixed Function execution to return its results to clients.
Fixed TLS-related code and configurations to work properly.
Fixed several configuration issues.
Upgraded org.everit.json.schema to 1.14.2. CVE-2023-5072
Upgraded grpc-health-probe to fix security issues. CVE-2023-39325 GHSA-m425-mq94-257g
Upgraded the base image to fix security issues. CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2023-4911 CVE-2023-29491 CVE-2023-47038
Upgraded org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on from 1.59 to 1.70 CVE-2023-33201 CVE-2023-33202
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