ScalaFX Extras are additions to ScalaFX that simplify creation of User interfaces. In contrast to ScalaFX core, the Extras do not have direct corresponding concepts in JavaFX.
Module scalafx-extras
contain feature implementations.
Module scalafx-extras-demos
illustrates use of scalafx-extras
To use ScalaFX Extras with SBT add following dependency:
libraryDependencies += "org.scalafx" %% "scalafx-extras" % scalafx_extras_version
The latest published ScalaFX Extras version:
Package org.scalafx.extras
contains basic helper methods for running tasks on threads and showing exception messages.
The main helper methods:
run code on FX Application thread in parallelonFXAndWait
run code on FX Application thread and wait till finishedoffFX
run code a thread in paralleloffFXAndWait
run code a thread and wait till finishedshowException
show an exception dialog
Example scheduling some code on FX Application thread
onFX {
_running.value = true
Example execution some code on a separate thread and waiting for the result of computation
val x = offFXAndWait {
val a = 3
val b = 7
a * b
The mixin ShowMessage
makes it easier to display dialogs. It is typically used with a UI Model
The dialogs can be displayed using a single method, like showInformation
, showConfirmation
. ShowMessage
takes care of blocking parent windows and using parent icons in dialogs. It can also log warnings, errors, and exceptions when warnings, errors, and exceptions dialogs are displayed.
class MyUIModel extends Model with ShowMessage {
def onSomeUserAction(): Unit = {
// ...
showInformation("Dialog Title",
"This is the information \"header\"",
"This is the information detailed \"content\".")
// ...
// ...
The demos module has a complete example of an simple application in ShowMessageDemoApp
BusyWorker helps running a UI task on separate threads (other than the JavaFX Application thread).
It will show busy cursor and disable specified nodes while the task is performed.
It gives an option to show progress and status messages.
takes care of handling handling exceptions and displaying error dialogs.
It provides for an option to perform custom finish actions after task is completed.
Below is a simple example of using BusyWorker
When the task is running, BusyWorker
will disable the root pane of the parentWindow
to indicate that a task is performed.
It will also change the cursor in the root pane to "busy".
When task is done, the cursor will be changed back to default and root pane will be enabled back.
new BusyWorker("Simple Task", parentWindow).doTask { () =>
print(1 + 1)
Her is a little bit more elaborated example. It updates a progress message and progress indicator.
val buttonPane: Pane = ...
val progressLabel: Label = ...
val progressBar: ProgressBar = ...
val busyWorker = new BusyWorker("BusyWorker Demo", buttonPane) {
progressLabel.text <== progressMessage
progressBar.progress <== progressValue
val button = new Button("Click Me") {
onAction = () => busyWorker.doTask("Task 1")(
new SimpleTask[String] {
override def call(): String = {
val maxItems = 10
for (i <- 1 to maxItems) {
message() = s"Processing item $i/$maxItems"
progress() = (i - 1) / 10.0
progress() = 1
The full code example can be found in the BusyWorkerDemo.
Package org.scalafx.extras.mvcfx
contains classes for creating with UI components based on FXML.
The demos module has a complete example of a simple application: StopWatchApp.
ImageDisplay Component is an image view with ability to zoom in, zoom out, zoom to fit. It can also automatically resizes to parent size.
Module scalafx-extras-demos contains examples of using ScalaFX Extras.
StopWatchApp is an application that illustrates uses of the MVCfx: a Model-Controller and SFXML/FXML API.
ShowMessageDemoApp is a full example of using ShowMessage
and MVCfx.
BusyWorkerDemo illustrated different aspects of using BusyWorker
ImageDisplayDemoApp a simple example of an application that can display images,
with ability to zoom in, zoom out, and fit to current window. Illustrates use of the ImageDisplay
ScalaFX Extras is still quite experimental and APIs may change significantly.
For discussion and support, please use ScalaFX Users Group or ScalaFX on StackOverflow. Please report issues using the projects Issue tracker.
BSD-3-Clause ScalaFX license.