Delete the old messages from one or more IMAP accounts based on the given criteria:
- older than a number of days
- maximum number of messages to keep
- PHP >= 5.6
- PHP imap extension
Copy the included imap_maint_config_example.php to imap_maint_config.php and add your IMAP account details there. You can add as many IMAP accounts and folders as you like.
Keep the sensitive data secure! chmod 0600 the file that contains your IMAP credentials.
Optionally, if you prefer to keep everything in the same file for simplicity, you can move the configration right into the main script, defining all the options directly in the $accounts array and commenting out the line:
$accounts = require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'imap_maint_config.php';
- For details on the possible ways to configure the "mailbox" parameter, please see PHP imap_open page.
Run daily as a cron job. This script connects to IMAP accounts remotely, so any server you have a shell/crontab access to will do.
This package is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.