- 0.4.0 - Updated for Handlebars 4
- 0.2.2 -
- Fixed bug with n_ extraction
- Fixed bug when _ and n_ variable translations being inserted into .po file
- 0.2.1 - Great speed improvement (x4) by moving file reading to nodejs.
- 0.2.0 - Now only one nodejs process spawned for single babel run, so in total for big amount of files will work much faster.
- 0.1.4 - minor bugfixes
- 0.1.3 - Initial release
pip install pybabel-hbs
Add [hbs: path/**.hbs] to babel.cfg
- Use helpers inside handlebar (gettext/ngettext as both regular and block heleprs supported)
- JS side should pass data to Jed wrapper (see client_side_usage)
- Jed wrapper passes the strings and parameters to Jed
- Jed instance translates string to language it was initiated with
- Jed uses po2json output (use po2json on generated .po files and then pass output to Jed)
- As for generating .po files just add [hbs: **.hbs] to babel config (babel.cfg), (considering extension installed via pip or via setup.py install)
- Extension for babel to support handlebars.
- Uses native Handlebars.js parsing with small hack for passing line numbers.
- Since Handlebars.js is JS this babel extension requires node.js
_ (Undercore) helper
{{_ "Some text to be translated %(param)s" param="some param"}}n_ helper
{{\n_ num_to_check_against "Some text to be translated with %(num)s" "Some plural text to be translated with %(num)s" num=num_to_check_against}}trans block helper:
{{#trans params_1="something"}} Some text to be translated with %(param_1)s {{/trans}}ntrans block helper:
{{#ntrans num_to_check_aganst param_1="something" num=num_to_check_against}} Some text to be translated with %(param_1)s and %(num)s {{else}} Some plural text to be translated with %(param_1)s and %(num)s {{/ntrans}}
- Every helper can have params, they will be passed to sprintf (built-in into Jed)
- n_ and ntrans helpers MUST have some integer as first parameter, it will determine if plural or singular form should be used