An easily deployable webservice to translate CellDesigner and SBGN-ML files in both directions using cd2sbgnml library. Choose a port number to deploy the web service, will be mentioned as your_port_number
in this file.
A sample deployment of this webservice can be found in Newt under the File menu. File | Import | CellDesigner
imports a map in a CellDesigner file to SBGNML and displays in Newt. Similarly, one can export the current SBGN map into CellDesigner file using File | Export | CellDesigner File
curl -X POST --data "xml=$(cat src/main/resources/example.xml)" http://localhost:your_port_number/cd2sbgnml
curl -X POST --data "xml=$(cat src/main/resources/example.sbgn)" http://localhost:your_port_number/sbgnml2cd
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/cd2sbgnml-0.4.5-app.jar -DgroupId=fr.curie -DartifactId=cd2sbgnml -Dversion=0.4.5 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn clean install
mvn clean package assembly:single
java -jar target/cd2sbgnml-webservice-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar your_port_number