Completely reworked how raceEffects are applied: stripped raceEffects.config and migrated the included abilities into new files located in /species, with the .raceeffect suffix. This will make it easier for modders to add support for their races without looking through 8,800 lines of code to find what they need. (Lucca)
Note that this will make all addon patches for FR that are not a part of FR break. Modders will need to update their files.
Apex rage bonus was reworked to act as follows: (Lucca)
- effect begins at 80% HP and scales to maximum effect at 10% HP
- currently can only support stats, not controlModifiers/controlParameters
- does not support negative multipliers
- power caps at +30% (effective), protection +20% (effective), crit chance +5% (amount), and energy loss at -70% (effective)