841 commits
to master
since this release
- Their ability is now a Toggled tech (press F to activate)
- When stationary, use very little food.
- When moving, use a fair amount of food
- flight speed reduced drastically
- actual flight speed starts at 8, and slowly amps up to a maximum of 20 when airborn.
- you can no longer use the tech as a means to achieve insane vertical lift, rapidly. Speed upwards is capped at 20
- during the daylight hours, if you hover in bright light above ground, you can regenerate food fast enough to stay hovering much longer.
- when disabled, flight grants no-fall-damage for a brief period to prevent deadly falls
Non-flight related:
- can now ingest Sugary food quite happily as well as Herbivorous food
- Saturnian jump boost reduced by 15% since it is no longer required
- Saturnians have a 25% max-health penalty to counter flight
- Their Fire Resistance is improved by 10% (from -45% to -35%)
- Their Physical Resistance is 10% less (from 0 to -10%) to represent their slim and frail bodies
Fixed Moogles to have the slowfall/gliding tech (including compatibility for the tech enabler item), and further balance tweaks, including reverting fall speed to normal as it's now done by the tech instead of being automatic.
Tweaked moogle stats yet again, and adjusted to work with the new tech enabler system so Moogles now have a gliding/slowfall tech and uncapped default fall speed.
Shifted resistances around yet again
- 20% Cosmic Resistance → 30% Cosmic Resistance
- 10% Shadow Weakness → 30% Shadow Weakness
- 10% Radiation Weakness → 0% Radioactive "Normal"
- Uncapped fall speed,
- fall damage is now 50%
- Corrected tooltip decription
- Now correctly says diet is omnivore
Added support