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June 2015

Changes from BetheHeitler-1.2
1. Added a sensitive volume right after the target, which
   I have called the "Monitor". This will record the energy
   and trajectory of any electron or positron that passes through
2. I have added user controllable options to the OutputFile class.
   These include: How the output file name is determined, and
   whether or not the information from the "Monitor" is recorded
   and included in the output file.

May 2015

Changes from BetheHeitler-1.1
1. Added the hodoscope paddles
2. Changed output format to include paddle data
3. Cleaned up a few annoyances.

Presently the option is to not output data unless
there is a hit in the hodoscope.
Still to do: Add light output calculation to hodoscope
paddle output. (At present light_output = energy_deposited)

November 2014

This is the second release of the geant4 simulation
of the pair spectrometer magnet and the VDC wire
chambers for the Bethe-Heitler experiment.
This version is configured to work with recent releases
of GEANT4 using the CMake build system.

Changes from BetheHeitler-1.0
1. Fixed error with target location geometry.
2. Added second set of VDCs - VDC 0 beam left, VDC 1 beam right
   Output identifies which VDC got hit.
3. Added option to simulate a photon beam originating upstream
   of target.

Compilation instructions:
Get the package betheheitler-1.0.tgz
Unpack the tar file into a suitable directory in your geant4 tree.

e.g. suppose you have installed geant4 in a directory structure
	cd $HOME/geant4
and type
> tar  zxvf betheheitler-1.0.tgz
this will create the directory "BetheHeitler-1.0"
Then you would have..

Using the CMake GUI is easiest so this will be described
but you can also use the command line.

In the CMake GUI
	Browse Source and set it to $HOME/geant4/BetheHeitler-1.0
	Browse Build and set it to $HOME/geant4/BetheHeitler-1.0
	Click Configure
Choose the default "Unix Makefiles" and "Use Native Compilers"
in the popup and click OK.

It will complain that it cannot find the package configuration file for Geant4.
Set "Geant4_DIR" by
	clicking on Geant4_DIR-NOTFOUND then clicking on the [...] button.
	Choose the geant4 directory containing the "Geant4Config.cmake" file
	e.g. $HOME/geant4/geant4-install/lib/Geant4-9.6.1
	click "Open"
click Configure again

It should simply report "Configuring done".
	(You do not need to change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
	The BetheHeitler application can stay in this directory.)
click Generate
It should simply report "Generating done".
a "Makefile" will have been created in the BetheHeitler-1.0 directory.
then in the BetheHeitler-1.0 directory
> make
This will create the BethHeitler application.

Before running the application you will need to set up
the environment variables needed by GEANT4.
Geant provides a setup script to accomplish this
in ../geant4-install/bin
For convenience we have found it useful
to create a setup script to be put in your geant4 directory.
e.g. create the file $HOME/geant4/setup-geant4
which contains the lines (for the csh or tcsh)
  set g4script_dir=$GEANT_DIR/geant4-install/bin
  cd $g4script_dir
  source geant4.csh

You should make this file executable.
> chmod +x setup-geant4

To run this first set the environment variable GEANT_DIR
e.g. for the csh
> setenv GEANT_DIR $HOME/geant4
(It would be convenient to place this in your login script
so it is always set when you start a new terminal window.
e.g. for the csh add the above line to the .cshrc file.)

Then the script must be "sourced" e.g.
> source setup-geant4

Geant4 applications may now be run.

The BetheHeitler application should now be avalable to be run.
Normally it would be run from within the directory in which it is installed.
i.e. in the directory $HOME/geant4/BetheHeitler-1.0
> BetheHeitler
or type
> BetheHeitler <macrofilename>

The first option starts the application with the Qt GUI.
Modifying the file "gui.mac" allows you to define which buttons
are available in the menus of the GUI.
The macro file "vis.mac" is also read to set up the default view
for the detector visualization.

The second option simply executes the macros in the file <macrofilename>
with no GUI and no visualization.
Example macro files are included in the distributions.
e.g. run_input.mac run_input_all.mac run_input_fit.mac

After a /run/beamOn command and the simulation completes a file named
"BH.0000.dat" will have been written which contains the event-by-event data.
If more /run/beamOn commands are executed in the same session, the subsequent files
will be named "BH.0001.dat", "BH.0002.dat", etc.
Existing BH.####.dat files are overwritten so if you want to save
the data is is suggested you copy or rename the file.
#### is the Geant4 run number.

With version 1.3 there are now options to control the output file.
You can change the prefix from "BH" so something else.
You can change #### from the G4 run number to a unique run number 
kept in a file named "<prefix>.runno" and which is incremented
after each run starts. This is useful when running multiple copies
of the simulation on the one machine so that the output files from
each are kept seperate.

The parameters of the run are included in a header to the event-by-event
data file along with a line indicating the column headings in the file.
These lines in the file start with "#", so programs that read the
event-by-event data from this file should ignore all lines beginning
with a "#".

:Deprecated in version 1.2:
:A perl script is included in the distribution which can be used to
:get aggregate information from the data.
:Run by (for e.g.)
:> <BH.0000.dat
:(The outout is, in general, not particuly useful except for debuging.)

The BetheHeitler program contains many parameters that can be changed
without modifying and recompiling the code.

Parameters of the geometetry/detector.

/BH/detector/set_B0 <field> [unit]
	Sets the central magnetic field.
	Default unit: tesla (candidates: tesla gauss kilogauss)

/BH/detector/set_target_material <material>
	Select the Target Material.
	MUST execute /BH/detector/update for change to take effect.
	Candidate materials: Scintillator Mylar Polyethylene Air Ethane/Argon
		G4_He G4_Al G4_Cu G4_C G4_U G4_Fe G4_Galactic

/BH/detector/set_target_thickness <target_thickness> [unit]
	Set the thickness of the target.
	MUST execute /BH/detector/update for changes to take effect.
	Default unit: mm (candidates: mm cm micron)

	Update geometry.
	This command MUST be applied before "beamOn" 
		if you changed geometrical value(s)

	Print the current values of the changeable geometry parameters.

Parameters controlling the emitted electrons (positrons) from the target.
Note: in the following, the primary particle coordinate system
used in the following is not the same as the geant4
coordinate system displayed in the geant4 viewer.
The primary particle coordinate system is the same as in the
RAYTRACE program.
Primary particle coordinate system:
	z = beam direction, x = beam left, y = up
	center of target is x = y = z = 0
Geant4 coordinate system:
	x = beam direction, y = beam left, z = up
	(The output coordinate system is relative to the first VDC
	in each VDC package.)

/BH/gun/set_central_energy <energy> [unit]
	Set the central energy.
	Default unit: MeV (candidates: MeV keV)

/BH/gun/set_delta_min <delta_min>
	Set minimum % from central energy.

/BH/gun/set_delta_max <delta_max>
	Set maximum % from central energy.

    [The particle energy will be chosen randomly so that
	central_energy*(1-delta_min/100) < energy < central_energy*(1+delta_max/100) ]

/BH/gun/set_x_min <x_min> [unit]
	Set minimum x position.
	Default unit: cm (candidates: mm cm m)

/BH/gun/set_x_max <x_max> [unit]
	Set maximum x position.
	Default unit: cm (candidates: mm cm m)

/BH/gun/set_y_min <y_min> [unit]
	Set minimum y position.
	Default unit: cm (candidates: mm cm m)

/BH/gun/set_y_max <y_max> [unit]
	Set maximum y position.
	Default unit: cm (candidates: mm cm m)

/BH/gun/set_radius_max <radius>_max [unit]
	Set maximum position radius.
	Default unit: cm (candidates: mm cm m)

    [The particle starting position will be chosen randomly with
	x_min < x < x_max and
	y_min < y < y_max and
	sqrt(x^2 +y^2) < radius and
	with gamma_mode = false:
	   -target_thickness/2 < z < +target_thickness/2 ]
	with gamma_mode = true:
	   z = -(target_to_helium_window air thickness)

/BH/gun/set_theta_min <theta_min> [unit]
	Set minimum theta angle.
	Default unit: mrad (candidates: mrad rad deg)

/BH/gun/set_theta_max <theta_max> [unit]
	Set maximum theta angle.
	Default unit: mrad (candidates: mrad rad deg)

/BH/gun/set_phi_min <phi_min> [unit]
	Set minimum phi angle.
	Default unit: mrad (candidates: mrad rad deg)

/BH/gun/set_phi_max <phi_max> [unit]
	Set maximum phi angle.
	Default unit: mrad (candidates: mrad rad deg)

/BH/gun/set_angle_max <angle_max> [unit]
	Set maximum angle.
	Default unit: mrad (candidates: mrad rad deg)

    [The particle starting angles will be chosen randomly with
	theta_min < theta < theta_max and
	phi_min < phi < phi_max and
	sqrt(theta^2 +phi^2) < angle_max ]

/BH/gun/set_gamma_mode <true/false>
	Set where the primary particle is generated.
	false - generated within target.
	true - generated in air just upstream of target.
	Note: Use /gun/particle <particle name> to change 
	primary particle type to gamma.

	Print the current values of the particle gun parameters.

Parameters controlling the output file.

/BH/outputfile/set_use_monitor <true/false>
	If true: Record and included monitor information in output file.
	If false: Do not record monitor information.

/BH/outputfile/set_use_unique_filename <true/false>
	Output filename is <prefix>.<runno>.dat
	If false: runno = G4 run number.
	If true: runno = run number read from file <prefix>.runno.
	The number in <prefix>.runno is incremented and written 
	back into the file at the start of a run.

/BH/outputfile/set_prefix <prefix>
	Set the prefix for the output file filename.

/BH/outputfile/set_header_frequency <number>
	Set the number of output file events between when a header is printed.
	The header lines start with "#" and summarize the output file format.
	<number> = -1 means no headers after the first (the default behavour)

	Print current output file parameters.


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  • C++ 55.8%
  • Perl 18.4%
  • CMake 9.1%
  • C 8.9%
  • Makefile 7.8%