This is a repository of simple Docker examples.
Videos accompanying this code repo can be found in this YouTube playlist.
Any machine with a working docker installation Should suffice; however individual examples may have other requirements.
Most of these examples have been tested out on Ubuntu 16.04 + Docker. Some have additionally been tested on Windows 10 + Docker Toolbox.
The examples are arranged below in increasing order of difficulty.
Beginner: docker-whale
This Simple example is from the Docker Getting Started Guide.
Beginner: docker-ubuntu-fortunes
This example uses Ubuntu + the fortunes
Beginner: docker-ubuntu-apache
Here we will build an Apache Web Server using Ubuntu + Apache.
Beginner: docker-ubuntu-supervisor
This example shows how to build the same Apache webserver using supervisor
. Additionally we will launch an SSH server (so that you can ssh to this webserver).
Beginner: docker-data-volume
Beginner: docker-data-volume-container
These examples illustrate persisting data across container restarts.
Intermediate: docker-jenkins
This example creates a Jenkins Docker container and demonstrates several core concepts.
Intermediate: docker-compose
This folder contains examples on Docker Compose.
Intermediate: docker-efkstack
This example creates an EFK stack (Elastic,Fluentd,Kibana) using Docker Compose.
Advanced: docker-machine
This folder contains several examples on Docker Machine.
Advanced: docker-swarm
This folder contains many examples on Docker Swarm.
Advanced: docker-tdd
A step-by-step demonstration of applying Test-Driven Development to Dockerfile development.