Snes9xGX-Mushroom / Snes9x TX v1.1.0 (23-06-2022)
Important, the folder at the root has changed its name. Consider renaming it "snes9xtx"
For the new version 1.1.0, if the software is already installed, you must delete the settings file which is either in the "snes9xtx" folder at the root, or in the apps/snes9xtx folder.
What's new in update:
---Snes9x TX 1.1.0---
---June 23 2022---
- Updated to the latest Snes9x GX 4.5.3
- Disabled peripheral devices by default if not selected in controller settings
- Added new options to turn it on/off sprite limit and hi resolution in video settings
disable hi resolution to keep video filtering active with games using this mode - Added credits button in main menu settings (thanks InfiniteBlue!)
- Updated credits
- Updated all language files
- Updated UI PNG images
- Compiled with latest devkitPPC and libfat with UStealth Mod (thanks SaulFabre!)
More info: