Repository used to extract open graph metadata of an website using AWS Serverless Architecture
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Lambda
- Create an AWS Lambda function using Node.js as preffered language
- Zip complete repository and import in AWS Lambda(Don't forget to download requried node modules from package.json file before creating the zip)
- This repository uses Environment variable for DynamoTable Name i.e TABLE_NAME
- For caching we are using Dynamo Table, create a Dynamo Table with Partion Key as Requested_URL. Also be cautious while setting read and write capacity this program can run with 1 Read and 1 Write capacity
- After successful creation of table create AWS API Gateway which will be used as RestAPI. Also enables CORS if you are integrating this code with Frontend
- There are 2 required variable while requesting the Open Graph Data using API Gateway
- request_url
- refresh_existing