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OpenPraparat is a code that simulates an artificial life model presented in the paper titled "Artificial Life using a Book and Bookmarker."

Artificial Life using a Book and Bookmarker [arXiv]
Reproduction, development, and individual interactions are essential topics in artificial life. The cellular automata, which can handle these in a composite way, is highly restricted in its form and behavior because it represents life as a pattern of cells. In contrast, the virtual creatures proposed by Karl Sims have a very high degree of freedom in terms of morphology and behavior. However, they have limited expressive capacity in terms of those viewpoints. This study carefully extracts the characteristics of the cellular automata and Sims models to propose a new artificial life model that can simulate reproduction, development, and individual interactions while exhibiting high expressive power for morphology and behavior. The simulation was performed by sequentially reading a book with genetic information and repeatedly executing four actions: expansion, connection, disconnection, and transition. The virtual creatures in the proposed model exhibit unique survival strategies and lifestyles and acquire interesting properties in reproduction, development, and individual interactions while having freedom in morphology and behavior.


On Ubuntu

Open the terminal, and install the necessary packages using the following commands:

sudo apt install build-essential gfortran
sudo apt install libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev
sudo apt install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev

Compile OpenPraparat using the following commands:

git clone
cd ./OpenPraparat/src

make all install

On macOS

To compile OpenPraparat on macOS, you need to install homebrew. The instructions for installing homebrew are omitted here.

Open the terminal, and install the necessary packages using the following commands:

brew install gcc
brew install glfw3

Compile OpenPraparat using the following commands:

git clone
cd ./OpenPraparat/src

make all install

On Windows

To compile OpenPraparat on Windows, you will need to install MSYS2. To do so, follow the procedure 1 to 5 outlined in the installation section on the MSYS2 website:

Once you have completed procedure 5, close the MSYS2 window and launch mingw64.exe in MSYS2. Then, use the following commands to install the necessary packages:

pacman -Sy
pacman -Su

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
pacman -S make
pacman -S git
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glfw
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-fortran
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-libgfortran

It is important to execute these commands one line at a time.

After installing the necessary packages, open the command prompt as an administrator and set the path for bin. If you have installed MSYS2 directly under the C drive, you can set the path as follows:

setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin"

If you do not know the bin path, you can find out by executing the following command in the mingw64.exe:

where gcc

This will give you a response like "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\gcc.exe". In this case, "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin" is the path for bin.

Finally, launch mingw64.exe and compile OpenPraparat using the following commands:

git clone
cd ./OpenPraparat/src

make all install

Operation Guide


This program launches the GUI to visualize the simulation. To start, click the "Target Directory" button and select the working directory where the input files are located.


Here is a list of some of the keys and the corresponding operation they perform:

W: Move forward
A: Move left
S: Move backward
D: Move right
Space: Move up
F: Move down
M: Start simulation
P: Stop simulation
H: Hide photon
C: Change the cell drawing style
K: Change viewpoint
R: Change the field drawing style
Y: Take a screenshot
V: Start recording (sequentially output images)
O: Switch between day and night mode
Q: Exit the program


Left-click to select cells, right-click and drag to move the viewpoint.


tar -zxvf examples.tar.gz 
tree examples
├── 01dumbbell_shaped
│   └── 01normal
│       ├── cells_file
│       ├── field.d
│       ├── input
│       └── seed.ini
└── 02reticulated
    ├── 01normal
    │   ├── cells_file
    │   ├── field.d
    │   └── input
    └── 02fix
        ├── cells_file
        ├── field.d
        ├── fix.ini
        ├── fragment.ini
        ├── input
        └── seed.ini

inputの説明 (Sorry for the Japanese!)


  out_cycle = 5
  in_cycle  = 10000

  WORLD_DT          = 0.01d0
  WORLD_G           = 5.0d0
  BLOCK_EMD_FORCE_K = 2000.0d0
  BLOCK_EMD_FORCE_R = 10.0d0
  CELL_EMD_FORCE_K  = 200.0d0
  CELL_EMD_FORCE_R  = 4.0d0
  AIR_RESISTANCE_K  = 0.01d0

  FIELD_INIT_FLAG   = 0        ! 0:read, 1:flat, 2:random, 3:maze
  FIELD_SIZE_X      = 32
  FIELD_SIZE_Y      = 64
  FIELD_SIZE_Z      = 32
  FIELD_CENTER_Y    = 16
  SUN_INIT_FLAG     = 1
  DISTANCE2SUN      = 30.0d0   !地上から太陽までの距離
  SUM_LIMIT_NUM     = 5000     !光を除くセル数が5000を超えたら太陽光を止める
  SUN_CYCLE         = 1000.0d0 !太陽が何ステップで1往復するか
  DEPTH_LIMIT       = 3

  CELLS_INIT_FLAG             = 1      ! 0:read1, 1:read2, 2:create, 3:read and create
  EVERY_STEP_COST_E           = 0.01d0
  EVERY_STEP_COST_A           = 1.27d0
  EVERY_STEP_COST_D           = 2.0d-8
  TARGET_CELLS_NUM            = 4000
  TRANS_INTERVAL_STEP         = 200
  MUTATION_RATE_FLAG          = 0      ! 0:mr=MRA, 1:circle, 2:liner, 3:sin
  MUTATION_RATE_AMP           = 0.0d0  !突然変異確率P_A
  MUTATION_COEFF4EXPANSION    = 0.0d0  !突然変異確率P_Bの係数C(P_B = C*P_A)
  NUMBER_OF_CELL              = 15000
  ABS_KEEP_NUM                = 100    !セル数がこの数を下回ると、エネルギー消費が止まる。
  ECEOL_E2L                   = 1.0d0  !エネルギーから光への変換効率
  ECEOL_L2E                   = 1.0d0  !光からエネルギーへの変換効率
  ECEOLR                      = 0.8d0  !赤の光から得られるエネルギーの効率
  ECEOLG                      = 0.2d0  !緑の光から得られるエネルギーの効率
  ECEOLB                      = 0.8d0  !青の光から得られるエネルギーの効率
  ECEOE                       = 1.0d0  ! Energy Conversion Efficiency Of Eat
  GENE_COST_C                 = 0.5d0
  BDRC                        = 0.4d0  ! セルの最大半径を決定する(1.0d0まで)
  MIN_R                       = 0.1d0
  SPRING_LIMIT_C              = 1.10d0
  SPRING_CATCH_C              = 1.95d0
  SPRING_BREAK_C              = 2.00d0
  THRESHOLD_LIGHT             = 0.2d0
  RATE_OF_VARI_S              = 0.1d0  ! 結合強度後進パラメータΔs

  RANDOM_SEED_FLAG = 2 ! 0:no set, 1:read, 2:random


No releases published


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  • C++ 83.9%
  • C 9.3%
  • Fortran 5.1%
  • Objective-C++ 1.5%
  • Objective-C 0.1%
  • Makefile 0.1%