var myNumber = 5
myNumber = 6 // setting the value of myNumber to now be 6 instead of 5
var myDouble:Double = 5 // explicitly defining myDouble to be a Double type
let myNumber = 5
myNumber = 4 // error, not allowed to mutate myNumber
Int: A whole number ex) 5
Double: A number with more precision ex) 5.55
String: A collection of characters inside quotation marks ex) "Hello"
Bool: true or false
var firstNumber = 1
var secondNumber = 1
if firstNumber == secondNumber {
// write code in here to run if firstNumber is equal to secondNumber
} else {
// write code in here to run if firstNumber is NOT equal to secondNumber
var finalNumber = 5
for i in 1...finalNumber {
// prints the numbers 1 to 5
func greet() {
func greet(name:String) {
print("Hello \(name)")
func greet(name:String) -> String{
return "Hello \(name)"
var scores = [74, 94, 88]
scores[0] // returns 74
scores[3] // error, nothing in index 3
scores[3] = 99 // sets the value at index 3 to be 99
var scores = [Int]() // initializes a blank array where every element in this array is an Int
var scores:[String:Int] = ["Dan": 74, "Paul": 94]
scores["Tom"] = 88 //scores now has a value for the key "Tom"
var scores = [String:Int]() // initializes a blank dictionary where the key is of type String, and the value is of type Int
class ClassName : ParentClass {
let aVariable = 0
func aFunction() -> String {
returns "A String"