To run the code in this repository, one needs the following structure within the project folder:
- data: contains the sapfluxnet data version(s), e.g. 0.1.5.Download from here
- maps: contains the necessary base maps
- maps/Crowther_Nature_Files_Revision_01_WGS84_GeoTiff: contains global tree density map from Crowther in Nature. Download from: here
: reads sfn metadata, re-run only if sfn data changes (e.g. new version), writes cache.maps_base.R
: creates base maps for figures. Stores objects inmaps_base.RData
: calculations for datasets periods and duration. Stores objects indataset_duration_data.RData
- Scripts to generate results (figures and tables)
: it calls other R scripts. Output:figures_draft.docx
- Scripts to generate the supplement (figures and tables)
: output: -supporting.docx
- Script to generate Appendix A:
: output: -appendix.docx
- Scripts to generate uncertainty estimation (Appendix B)