This repo has been forked from in order to upgrade to Rails 2.3.14 (while refactoring some code).
Stay tuned for new features.
This is a ruby on rails asset tracker which is a fork of Preston Lee’s asset tracker:
Features added:
JQuery AJAX style searching
Puppet synchronization
Cobbler synchronization
CSV Output
Asset Polymorphism including Virtualized and Physical hosts
IP Address checking to ensure you don’t double-allocate IPs
LDAP and AuthLogin support
gems: fastercsv
Create a config/initializers/email.rb with the following…
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => "", :port => 587, :authentication => :plain, :enable_starttls_auto => true, :user_name => "", :password => "chucknorris"
Install and configure PostgreSQL and setup a blank database (exact steps will depend upon your OS and environment)
Edit config/database.yml and give it the appropriate values to connect to said database
rake db:create
rake db:fixtures:load
rake db:migrate
Edit config/ldap.yml and fill in the details about your LDAP server
run script/server
You probably now want to first add a Location before you add anything else.
Original author was Preston Lee:
Modified and adapted by Joel Heenan, Giorgio Mandolfo and Sanyu Melwani for ThreatMetrix.