This is a mobile application for selling and buying general and used items inside the college among students like maggie, books. The tech stack is React-Native, Mongo, Node, Express and Cloudinary.
This is the sever-side of the app which is made with Node & Express. Images are being stored in the cloudinary storage. The server is hosted on Heroku.
Use the package manager npm to install GetiT-Server.
npm install
Use the package manager npm to run GetiT-Server.
npm start
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cloudinary
- compression
- config
- expo-server-sdk
- express
- helmet
- joi
- jsonwebtoken
- lodash
- mongoose
- mongoose-float
- multer
- multer-storage-cloudinary
- sharp