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srkline-igor edited this page May 7, 2020 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Trac site for NCNR SANS Software

This wiki and subversion repository browser are for software developed and managed by the SANS group at the NIST Center for Neutron Scattering.

The NCNR has a long history of providing easy to use data reduction and analysis tools to its users. In the case of the SANS, USANS, and VSANS instruments, this is through a set of macros and functions implemented using the IGOR Pro™ package from Wavemetrics Inc, which is a general purpose plotting and data analysis package with a rich in-built programming language.

Our current focus is to support the development of software to support the newly-commissioned VSANS instrument at the NCNR. The broad and flexible capabilities of the VSANS instrument provide opportunities for new science, leading to the development of new tools for processing and analyzing this data.

One initiative we are still open to is exploring collaboration with other scattering facilities to produce a shared code base of IGOR procedures for the reduction and analysis of small angle scattering data. This would provide to users a familiar environment whichever facility they use and make co-analysis of data from different facilities much simpler, an often heard refrain from the nomadic scattering community. In the version 7.10 Release of the NCNR Package, users can load and reduce data collected at HFIR (BioSANS and HiResSANS, code modifications provided by the DANSE project), ILL (D22), and ANSTO (Quokka).

Another initiative in conjunction with the scattering community is to produce reduced (1D, I(Q)) data in a common, standardized output format. Beginning with the 7.0 release, the NCNR package writes data in canSAS XML format. This data format is a product of international canSAS meetings, and the format is supported by many other facilities (ISIS, APS (Argonne), + others to be named later).

As always, these initiatives are driven by the needs and suggestions from facility users. Our aim is to enhance the suite of tools available to our users in order to permit faster, more complex analyses of their scattering data than are currently possible.

The current releases of the macros include support for the newly-commissioned VSANS instrument. Since the instrument is so new, the software is constantly being improved. If you use the VSANS instrument, please check back often to be sure that you are using the latest version of the software.

Previous versions of the package and tickets for issues can be found at the old SVN trac site. Tickets are currently still tracked there, but all future updates will be made available on this site.

Instructions for VSANS Reduction in current release package VSANS Reduction Documentation

For a listing of what's been added up to the version 7.98 release:

Release Notes -- vers. 7.85 to 7.98 For a complete listing of what's been added up to the version 7.85 release:

Release Notes -- vers. 7.20 to 7.85 For a complete listing of what's new in the version 7.20 release:

SANS Data Reduction macros for IGOR Pro

USANS Data Reduction macros for IGOR Pro

SANS and USANS Data Analysis macros for IGOR Pro

Experiment Planning Tools

Various utility programs for the BT-5 USANS instrument

There are also tips and tools for those using the repository: Developer Guidelines

Build Details

Documentation of Repository Conventions and Details

Documentation of Code Naming Schemes and Data Output Formats

For details of the canSAS XML data format: ​

SANS Reduction and Analysis Web Page

​NCNR SANS Reduction

Please contact Steve Kline (​[email protected] ) with any questions.

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