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srkline-igor edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

Creating a release version

Update the Version strings

    • two files: InstalledVersion.txt in the NCNR_User_Procedures
    • Current Release Version Number wiki page here on github (version==a.bc)

Do the final commit/merge cycle

 Be sure that master is correct at this point

Tag the current version (the one checked out locally, do this on your computer)

  (change 7.99 to the current version number, of course)

$ git tag -a v7.99 -m "version 7.99 release"

Then push the tag to the server

$ git push origin v7.99

Locally, bundle everything up to make the zip folder:

  • Add the empty folders (ones that are not on GitHub)
  • Add the XOPs for both platforms
  • Add sample data, etc.
  • Make into a properly named ZIP file (on Windows, use Right-click menu “Send to…” Compressed (zipped) folder) – don’t use 7-zip.

Be sure to:

  • Document changes since the last release (to paste in the Release Notes for the version)
  • Edit the text for the release
  • Edit the text for the on the main GitHub Page (to announce)

To build a list of changes for Release Notes: Get all of the commit notes – go to the branch, and look for the button to “compare” – this will list all of the commits, and you can expand/copy all of the commit messages.

Then go to GitHub:

  • Navigate to the “Releases” tab and “Draft a New Release”
  • Enter the tag name (@master)
  • Enter the release notes
  • Upload the zip file of the release package
  • “Publish Release”

if you make a mistake with a release

  • -you can go to GitHub and delete the release
  • -you can also delete the tag from GitHub (although it will remain on the local PC – I need to figure out how to delete that.

Then, only after you've fully tested the release package and installer:

Locally set up for the next development version:

  • Pull the new version locally
  • Make a new branch
  • Update the new version number (+ 0.01) in V_Includes.ipf
Clone this wiki locally