Implementing idling resource requires so much changes in development code and it pollutes development code. So i created this one to address it.
A thread named "idlingMonitor" will keep checking whether any other background thread is running for every 20ms and notify EspressoIdlingResource. Pros of this technique:
- Fully decoupled from development code. No single line was written in development package. Easy to integrate in any app.
- Easy to maintain, less bugs
- It's fragile
Add (androidTestImplementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.11') before copy pasting it. Paste the code in test folder
Issues in other idling resource techhniques:
Background work will be done using RxJava, Coroutines, usual thread poll executor, asynctask, etc.. It's so tricky to do an implementation covering all these cases. Ex: Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines#242 You can see lots of discussion going on since 2018 for idling resource implementation in coroutines.
It pollutes the development code
It is shipped in production build
Issue tracker link - Feature request