A fork and fix of AutoMySQLBackup for our standard installations.
AutoMySQLBackkup has been modified to support newer versions of MySQL
- support for MySQL 5.6 and 5.7
- login path support (no passwords required on the command line)
- fixed --ssl paramter usage in 5.7+
Modern usage includes the login path support so that credentials are not required on the command line when calling mysqldump (etc).
Run the install.sh script
As root, create the credentials for logging into MySQL
mysql_config_editor set --login-path=automysqldump --user=root -p
The automysqlbackup.conf file is configured to look for the login path "automysqldump" credentials in the ".mylogin.conf" file in folder "/root"
Configure using cron or copy and chmod the "runmysqlbackup" command in the /etc/cron.daily folder
Default backup storage is in location: