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Administering Fedora

acozine edited this page Jan 10, 2014 · 1 revision

Once Fedora is installed, you can view the contents of your repository directly using the Fedora Admin page. If you followed the installation instructions here, which use the defaults (tomcat on port 8080, fedora context of "fedora"), then the Fedora Admin page will be at http://localhost:8080/fedora/admin. If you are accessing the machine remotely, you will need to open a secure tunnel to the host machine using:
ssh –L localport#:localhost:remoteport# remotehostname
for example
ssh -L 8480:localhost:8080 remotehostname
maps your local port 8480 to the remote port 8080 so you can open a browser window to localhost:8480/fedora/admin to see the Fedora admin page. Use the credentials specified in your fedora.yml file to connect and test your Fedora installation by searching, adding an object, and deleting an object.

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