devcontainer for Ruby3.3, Ruby on Rails 7.1
- language server: solargraph
- debugging: debug
- formatter: rubocop
- type checking: rbs, rbs_rails, steep
- Open VSCode, then run
Reopen in Container
Run below command in terminal on the DevContainer
$ bin/rails db:seed
$ bin/rails s
Access to
$ bundle exec rbs collection install
# rbs_rails
$ bin/rake rbs_rails:all
# Steep check
$ bundle exec steep check
# Generate documentation for bundled gems
$ bundle exec solargraph bundle
# Download Ruby core documentation
$ bundle exec solargraph download-core
Run Run Debug
(Shortcut key: F5)
- rebornix.Ruby
- castwide.solargraph
- KoichiSasada.vscode-rdbg
- soutaro.steep-vscode
- soutaro.rbs-syntax
- redhat.vscode-yaml
- VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- EditorConfig.EditorConfig
- GitHub.copilot
- GitHub.copilot-chat
Work on Docker Compose
- app: ruby:3.1-bullseye
- sidekiq: v7
- postgres: postgres:14
- redis: redis:7