It is a web-based system that connect livestock farmer to vet services.
Backend API endpoints are done using TDD using Jest.
Vet are assigned according to the their previous ratings, nearness to client(currently done at 6 km proximity) and area of specialization.
Vet have a dashboard where they are prompted to accept system assigned tasks. They can also manage all the accepted jobs at their dashboards.
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Experssjs
- Mongoose
- Jest
- Sendgrid for email sending
- Lipa na Mpesa(local mobile money transfer platform).
Validation in the vet detail creation or updation form. By default shown a map of the client location at the bottom.
install node js in the client development machine and ensure npm is installed by the command
to check npm version
install mongoDb
install node_modules / dependencies as specified in the package.json at
this is done by the command -
At the Project root folder
after installing the modules run the command -
The above command runs and starts the server at
How to Run and start the client build, running the build does not require any additional dependencies except a server to serve the build This is achieved in the following 3 steps.
run the command below to install client server globally
Run the command below at the client root folder
to start the client server. -
The last command shown above will serve static site on the port 5000. open http://localhost:3000 to view in the browser
Like many of serve’s internal settings, the port can be adjusted using the -l or --listen flags:
open http://localhost:4000 to view in the browser
- The client has been bootstraped with
- additional dependencies can be found at
client/package.json file