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Merge branch 'AliceO2Group:master' into MLandEfficiency
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samrangy authored Feb 7, 2025
2 parents f5a6d6a + 7d73e3f commit 39986a5
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Showing 53 changed files with 3,510 additions and 2,711 deletions.
31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions EventFiltering/PWGHF/HFFilterPrepareMLSamples.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct HfFilterPrepareMlSamples { // Main struct
Produces<aod::HFTrigTrain3P> train3P;

// parameters for production of training samples
Configurable<bool> fillSignal{"fillSignal", true, "Flag to fill derived tables with signal for ML trainings"};
Configurable<bool> fillOnlySignal{"fillOnlySignal", true, "Flag to fill derived tables with signal for ML trainings"};
Configurable<bool> fillOnlyBackground{"fillOnlyBackground", true, "Flag to fill derived tables with background for ML trainings"};
Configurable<float> downSampleBkgFactor{"downSampleBkgFactor", 1., "Fraction of background candidates to keep for ML trainings"};
Configurable<float> massSbLeftMin{"massSbLeftMin", 1.72, "Left Sideband Lower Minv limit 2 Prong"};
Expand All @@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ struct HfFilterPrepareMlSamples { // Main struct

void init(InitContext&)
if (fillOnlySignal && fillOnlyBackground) {
LOGP(fatal, "fillOnlySignal and fillOnlyBackground cannot be activated simultaneously, exit");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,7 +272,15 @@ struct HfFilterPrepareMlSamples { // Main struct

// D0(bar) → π± K∓
bool isInCorrectColl{false};
auto indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec(mcParticles, std::array{trackPos, trackNeg}, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kD0, std::array{+kPiPlus, -kKPlus}, true, &sign);
auto indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec<false, false, false, true, true>(mcParticles, std::array{trackPos, trackNeg}, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kD0, std::array{+kPiPlus, -kKPlus}, true, &sign);

if (fillOnlySignal && indexRec < 0) {
if (fillOnlyBackground && indexRec >= 0) {

if (indexRec > -1) {
auto particle = mcParticles.rawIteratorAt(indexRec);
flag = RecoDecay::getCharmHadronOrigin(mcParticles, particle);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,32 +367,39 @@ struct HfFilterPrepareMlSamples { // Main struct
int8_t channel = -1;

// D± → π± K∓ π±
auto indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kDPlus, std::array{+kPiPlus, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
auto indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec<false, false, false, true, true>(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kDPlus, std::array{+kPiPlus, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
if (indexRec >= 0) {
channel = kDplus;
if (indexRec < 0) {
// Ds± → K± K∓ π±
indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kDS, std::array{+kKPlus, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec<false, false, false, true, true>(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kDS, std::array{+kKPlus, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
if (indexRec >= 0) {
channel = kDs;
if (indexRec < 0) {
// Λc± → p± K∓ π±
indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kLambdaCPlus, std::array{+kProton, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec<false, false, false, true, true>(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kLambdaCPlus, std::array{+kProton, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
if (indexRec >= 0) {
channel = kLc;
if (indexRec < 0) {
// Ξc± → p± K∓ π±
indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kXiCPlus, std::array{+kProton, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
indexRec = RecoDecay::getMatchedMCRec<false, false, false, true, true>(mcParticles, arrayDaughters, o2::constants::physics::Pdg::kXiCPlus, std::array{+kProton, -kKPlus, +kPiPlus}, true, &sign, 2);
if (indexRec >= 0) {
channel = kXic;

if (fillOnlySignal && indexRec < 0) {
if (fillOnlyBackground && indexRec >= 0) {

bool isInCorrectColl{false};
if (indexRec > -1) {
auto particle = mcParticles.rawIteratorAt(indexRec);
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUniverseEfficiencyCalculator.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct EfficiencyConfigurableGroup : ConfigurableGroup {
Configurable<bool> confEfficiencyApplyCorrections{"confEfficiencyApplyCorrections", false, "Should apply corrections from efficiency"};
Configurable<std::vector<std::string>> confEfficiencyCCDBLabels{"confEfficiencyCCDBLabels", {}, "Custom labels for efficiency objects in CCDB"};
Configurable<int> confCCDBTrainNumber{"confCCDBTrainNumber", -1, "Train number for which to query CCDB objects (set to -1 to ignore)"};
ConfigurableAxis confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps{"confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps", {-1, -1}, "Timestamps in CCDB, to query for specific objects (default: -1 for both)"};
Configurable<std::vector<std::string>> confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps{"confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps", {"-1", "-1"}, "Timestamps in CCDB, to query for specific objects (default: -1 for both, the latest valid object)"};

// NOTE: in the future we might move the below configurables to a separate struct, eg. CCDBConfigurableGroup
Configurable<std::string> confCCDBUrl{"confCCDBUrl", "", "CCDB URL to be used"};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class EfficiencyCalculator

auto timestamp = partNo - 1 < config->confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps->size()
? static_cast<int64_t>(config->confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps.value[partNo - 1])
? std::stoll(config->confEfficiencyCCDBTimestamps.value[partNo - 1])
: -1;

auto hEff = ccdb.getSpecific<TH1>(config->confCCDBPath, timestamp, metadata);
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122 changes: 82 additions & 40 deletions PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,52 +25,82 @@

import ROOT # pylint: disable=import-error

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A tool to calculate efficiency and upload it to CCDB")

class CustomHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
"Add default value to help format"

def _get_help_string(self, action):
help_str =
if help_str is not None and action.default not in [argparse.SUPPRESS, None]:
help_str += f" (default: {action.default})"
return help_str

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="A tool to calculate efficiency and upload it to CCDB",
help="Path to run directory with analysis results",
help="path to train run's directory in Alien with analysis results "
"[example: /alice/]",
help="paths to MC Reco histograms, separated by space [example: task/mcreco_one/hPt task/mcreco_two/hPt]",
help="Task name to query histograms from",
help="paths to MC Truth histograms, separated by space [example: task/mctruth_one/hPt task/mctruth_one/hPt]",
help="Path where to save in CCDB",
help="location in CCDB to where objects will be uploaded",
help="Path where to save in CCDB",
help="URL to CCDB",
help="Labels for objects' metadata in CCDB",
default=[""] * 2,
help="custom labels to add to objects' metadata in CCDB [example: label1 label2]",
help="How long should the objects' validity in CCDB last (default: 1 year)",
help="how long should objects in CCDB remain valid (milliseconds)",
default=365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, # one year
args = parser.parse_args()

if len(args.mc_reco) != len(args.mc_truth):
print("[!] Provided number of histograms with MC Reco must match MC Truth", file=sys.stderr)

if len(args.ccdb_labels) > 0 and len(args.ccdb_labels) != len(args.mc_reco):
print("[!] You must provide labels for all particles", file=sys.stderr)

if len(args.ccdb_labels) == 0:
# if flag is not provided, fill with empty strings to match size
args.ccdb_labels = [""] * len(args.mc_reco)

ANALYSIS_RESULTS = "AnalysisResults.root"
results_path = args.run_dir / ANALYSIS_RESULTS
results_path = args.alien_path / ANALYSIS_RESULTS
job_id =
train_number =

Expand All @@ -81,7 +111,7 @@

# get file from alien
if not res_dest.is_file():
print(f"[↓] Downloading analysis results from Alien to {res_dest} ...", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"[↓] Downloading analysis results from Alien to '{res_dest}' ...", file=sys.stderr)
Expand All @@ -92,57 +122,60 @@
print("[-] Download complete!", file=sys.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
print(f"[!] Error while downloading results file: {error.stderr}", file=sys.stderr)
f"[-] Skipping download from Alien, since {res_dest} is already present",
f"[-] Skipping download from Alien, since '{res_dest}' is already present",

particles = {1: "one", 2: "two"}

histos_to_upload = []

# get reco & truth histos
with (
ROOT.TFile.Open(res_dest.as_uri()) as res_file,
ROOT.TFile.Open(eff_dest.as_uri(), "recreate") as eff_file,
for idx, part_num in particles.items():
reco = res_file.Get(f"{args.task}/Tracks_{part_num}_MC/hPt")
truth = res_file.Get(f"{args.task}/MCTruthTracks_{part_num}/hPt")
if not reco and not truth:
f"[-] No MC Reco nor MC Truth histogram found for particle {part_num}",
for idx, (mc_reco, mc_truth) in enumerate(zip(args.mc_reco, args.mc_truth)):
hist_reco = res_file.Get(mc_reco)
if not hist_reco:
print(f"[!] Cannot find MC Reco histogram in '{mc_reco}', aborting", file=sys.stderr)

num_bins = reco.GetNbinsX()
x_max = reco.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(num_bins) + reco.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(num_bins)
hist_truth = res_file.Get(mc_truth)
if not hist_truth:
print(f"[!] Cannot find MC Truth histogram in '{mc_truth}', aborting", file=sys.stderr)

hist_name = f"Efficiency_part{idx}"
num_bins = hist_reco.GetNbinsX()
x_max = hist_reco.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(num_bins)
x_max += hist_reco.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(num_bins)

hist_name = f"Efficiency_part{idx + 1}"

# calculate efficiency
eff = ROOT.TH1F(hist_name, "", num_bins, 0, x_max)
for bin_idx in range(len(eff)):
denom = truth.GetBinContent(bin_idx)
eff.SetBinContent(bin_idx, reco.GetBinContent(bin_idx) / denom if denom > 0 else 0)
denom = hist_truth.GetBinContent(bin_idx)
eff.SetBinContent(bin_idx, hist_reco.GetBinContent(bin_idx) / denom if denom > 0 else 0)

# save efficiency object to file
eff_file.WriteObject(eff, hist_name)

if len(histos_to_upload) == 0:
print("[-] Exiting, since there is nothing to upload", file=sys.stderr)

# upload objects to ccdb
for idx, key in enumerate(histos_to_upload):
timestamp_start = int(time.time() * 1000)
timestamp_end = timestamp_start + args.ccdb_lifetime

print(f"[↑] Uploading {key} to CCDB ... ", file=sys.stderr, end="")
print(f"[↑] Uploading {key} to {args.ccdb_url} ... ", file=sys.stderr, end="")
upload_cmd = [
Expand All @@ -161,14 +194,23 @@
result =, capture_output=True, check=True)

if "html" in result.stdout.decode("utf-8"):
f"\n[!] Something went wrong with upload request: {result.stdout.decode('utf-8')}",

if result.stderr:
print(f"[!] Error while uploading: {result.stderr.decode('utf-8')}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"\n[!] Error while uploading: {result.stderr.decode('utf-8')}", file=sys.stderr)

print("complete!", file=sys.stderr)

except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
print(f"[!] Error while uploading: {error.stderr.decode('utf-8')}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"\n[!] Error while uploading: {error.stderr.decode('utf-8')}", file=sys.stderr)

print("[✓] Success!", file=sys.stderr)
40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Tasks/femtoUniversePairTaskTrackPhi.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ struct FemtoUniversePairTaskTrackPhi {

Service<o2::framework::O2DatabasePDG> pdgMC;

// using FemtoFullParticles = soa::Join<aod::FDParticles, aod::FDExtParticles>;
// Filter trackCutFilter = requireGlobalTrackInFilter(); // Global track cuts
// using FilteredFemtoFullParticles = soa::Filtered<FemtoFullParticles>;

using FilteredFemtoFullParticles = soa::Join<aod::FDParticles, aod::FDExtParticles>;

SliceCache cache;
Expand All @@ -70,14 +66,6 @@ struct FemtoUniversePairTaskTrackPhi {
using FemtoRecoParticles = soa::Join<aod::FDParticles, aod::FDExtParticles, aod::FDMCLabels>;
Preslice<FemtoRecoParticles> perColMC = aod::femtouniverseparticle::fdCollisionId;

// Efficiency
struct : o2::framework::ConfigurableGroup {
Configurable<std::string> confEfficiencyTrackPath{"confEfficiencyTrackPath", "", "Local path to proton efficiency TH2F file"};
Configurable<std::string> confEfficiencyPhiPath{"confEfficiencyPhiPath", "", "Local path to Phi efficiency TH2F file"};
Configurable<int64_t> confEfficiencyTrackTimestamp{"confEfficiencyTrackTimestamp", 0, "(int64_t) Timestamp for hadron"};
Configurable<int64_t> confEfficiencyPhiTimestamp{"confEfficiencyPhiTimestamp", 0, "(int64_t) Timestamp for phi"};
} ConfEff;

struct : o2::framework::ConfigurableGroup {
Configurable<bool> confCPRIsEnabled{"confCPRIsEnabled", false, "Close Pair Rejection"};
Configurable<bool> confCPRPlotPerRadii{"confCPRPlotPerRadii", false, "Plot CPR per radii"};
Expand All @@ -99,9 +87,6 @@ struct FemtoUniversePairTaskTrackPhi {
Configurable<float> confPIDProtonNsigmaReject{"confPIDProtonNsigmaReject", 3.0, "Reject if particle could be a Proton combined nsigma value."};
Configurable<float> confPIDPionNsigmaCombined{"confPIDPionNsigmaCombined", 3.0, "TPC and TOF Pion Sigma (combined) for momentum > 0.5"};
Configurable<float> confPIDPionNsigmaTPC{"confPIDPionNsigmaTPC", 3.0, "TPC Pion Sigma for momentum < 0.5"};

// Configurable<LabeledArray<float>> confCutTable{"confCutTable", {cutsTable[0], NPart, NCuts, partNames, cutNames}, "Particle selections"}; //unused
// Configurable<int> confNspecies{"confNspecies", 2, "Number of particle spieces with PID info"}; //unused
Configurable<bool> confIsMC{"confIsMC", false, "Enable additional Histograms in the case of a MonteCarlo Run"};
Configurable<std::vector<float>> confTrkPIDnSigmaMax{"confTrkPIDnSigmaMax", std::vector<float>{4.f, 3.f, 2.f}, "This configurable needs to be the same as the one used in the producer task"};
Configurable<bool> confUse3D{"confUse3D", false, "Enable three dimensional histogramms (to be used only for analysis with high statistics): k* vs mT vs multiplicity"};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,10 +197,6 @@ struct FemtoUniversePairTaskTrackPhi {
EfficiencyConfigurableGroup effConfGroup;
EfficiencyCalculator efficiencyCalculator{&effConfGroup};

// Service<ccdb::BasicCCDBManager> ccdb;
// TH2F* protoneff;
// TH2F* phieff;

/// @brief Counter for particle swapping
int fNeventsProcessed = 0;
bool swpart = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,27 +449,6 @@ struct FemtoUniversePairTaskTrackPhi {
if (ConfCPR.confCPRIsEnabled.value) {
pairCloseRejection.init(&resultRegistry, &qaRegistry, ConfCPR.confCPRdeltaPhiCutMin.value, ConfCPR.confCPRdeltaPhiCutMax.value, ConfCPR.confCPRdeltaEtaCutMin.value, ConfCPR.confCPRdeltaEtaCutMax.value, ConfCPR.confCPRChosenRadii.value, ConfCPR.confCPRPlotPerRadii.value, ConfCPR.confCPRInvMassCutMin.value, ConfCPR.confCPRInvMassCutMax.value);

/// Initializing CCDB
// ccdb->setURL("");
// ccdb->setCaching(true);
// ccdb->setLocalObjectValidityChecking();

// int64_t now = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
// ccdb->setCreatedNotAfter(now);

// if (!ConfEff.confEfficiencyTrackPath.value.empty()) {
// protoneff = ccdb->getForTimeStamp<TH2F>(ConfEff.confEfficiencyTrackPath.value.c_str(), ConfEff.confEfficiencyTrackTimestamp.value);
// if (!protoneff || protoneff->IsZombie()) {
// LOGF(fatal, "Could not load efficiency protoneff histogram from %s", ConfEff.confEfficiencyTrackPath.value.c_str());
// }
// }
// if (!ConfEff.confEfficiencyPhiPath.value.empty()) {
// phieff = ccdb->getForTimeStamp<TH2F>(ConfEff.confEfficiencyPhiPath.value.c_str(), ConfEff.confEfficiencyPhiTimestamp.value);
// if (!phieff || phieff->IsZombie()) {
// LOGF(fatal, "Could not load efficiency phieff histogram from %s", ConfEff.confEfficiencyPhiPath.value.c_str());
// }
// }

template <typename CollisionType>
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