⚠ Update, December 2024: Account Migration to github.com/samiulahmedjoy
See site made with ssg -> https://samiuljoy.github.io
A static site generator written in shell script. Write posts in markdown.md format with added features like basic tables and underlines.
This is a minimalist site generator written from scratch. I've seen couple of git repos on static site generator being minimalist, where they pull bunch of dependencies, depends on third party libraries and what not.
This is nothing like that. The only dependencies are Gnu versions of grep
, sed
, awk
and xargs
which are probably already installed in your system if you're on Gnu/Linux. If not, then you'll need gnu-coreutils.
main.sh -> the main script file
rss.awk -> awk script to arrange rss.xml feed by latest dates (this is in a separate file because -> taken from stack exchange)
css directory -> has css styles
js directory -> has 28 lines of js code for dark mode and light mode toggle
demo -> a directory with some examples
Step1: Generate a config file by running 'sh main.sh config'. Then edit the config.txt file on your own. For an example config file, you can see 'https://samiuljoy.github.io/config.txt'. Make sure to add a base.md page on your first entry to every new page except for about and index page. The need for base.md page is to hold records of the different posts and display them on a dedicated page. For more info about basepage syntax please refer to 'https://samiuljoy.github.io/demo/basepage.html'
Step2: If you're done editing config.txt file, initialize everything that you've declared on your config file by running 'sh main.sh init'. This will create all the files, directories and whatnot
Step3: Now, generate navigation section by running 'sh main.sh navgen'. This navigation part just adds home, roam and base buttons on your navigation section
Step4: Now generate an index file with 'sh main.sh indexgen'
Step5: Now Edit the base.md page if your article is going to be in a directory such as 'blog/firstblog.md'. In such case, first edit 'blog/base.md' page with your text editor. For an example see 'https://samiuljoy.github.io/microblog/base.md' and for syntax documentation, please refer to 'https://samiuljoy.github.io/demo/basepage.html'. Just run 'sh main.sh post' and when it asks for the filename, just add 'blog/base.md' as the filename
Step6: If you've completed everything above correctly, you can start writing your posts. You can either run 'sh main.sh post' and add manual entries to config.txt, blog/base.md file or you could just run 'sh main.sh add' and let all your entries by added automatically. It's your choice, depends on use case hence, added both post and add option for for variance.
Step7: Now since you've added all posts and everything, now run 'sh main.sh all'. This will generate html pages for all the files mentioned in 'config.txt'.
Step8: For convenience you can also run 'sh main.sh final' which will copy all the generated html files into a separate sub-directory
Step9: Last but not least, you can also generate rss.xml feeds of all your posts. Just run 'sh main.sh rss'"
- Get the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/samiuljoy/ssg.git
Write the index.md by hand following this article
Generating a config.txt file
Move to ssg directory that you just clonned, then run;
$ sh main.sh config
This should generate a pre-made config file. The region between +++sitemap and ---sitemap is where you include your markdown files and directories. The sitemap section with your files should look something like this(it will be blank at first with nothing inside ++sitemap --sitemap region, you'll add items yourself like this);
Note: the amount of +++ or ---- does not matter as long as it's more than 2 ^_^
Add files and directories as you wish, but the first file of every directory should be a base.md file, see above in the sitemap region, blog/base.md, physics/base.md, math/base.md, they all have base.md as the first file, because it's the landing page where you mention your sub-articles for that directory. More on that later on.
- Adding pages to navigation section
Now, after running sh main.sh config
and adding files and directories in the sitemap section of config.txt, run;
$ sh main.sh navgen
This will generate a navigation section in config.txt based on the files and directories you entered within the sitemap section. Or you could manually enter them in the navigation section with base pages like this;
.homepage: [home](index.html)
.navmenu: roam
.navpage: [blog](blog/base.html)
.navpage: [physics](physics/base.html)
.navpage: [math](math/base.html)
.backpage: [base](base.html)
note: The .navpage: section is what you'll be adding if editing manually
The text in square brackets [text] is what is shown in webpages, and text between parenthesis (link.html) is a html link. This is similar to how you define urls in markdown files.
- Then run init to initialize all files
$ sh main.sh init
This will initialize all files and directories based on files mentioned in sitemap section of config.txt
- Add your first post
To add your first post, run;
$ sh main.sh post
This will ask for some general info like;
Enter the title of the page: some title
Enter the author of the page[optional]: your name
Enter little bit of description about the page[optional]: some description about the article
Name of the file you're about to edit: math/integration.md
Provide a meta-name generator[optional]: the same name you put for the title or some short title
Provide a canonical link[optional]: https://yoursitelink.com/math/integration.html
Css portion: <-- just press enter or you can add a path/css.css for custom css
js portion: <-- just press enter or you can add a path/js.js for custom js
Use a footer or no?: press enter to use default --> this footer section gets called from footer section of config.txt
make file into a html?[y/n]: whether you want your file to get auto converted to html after you finish editing
note: [optional] -> means you can skip it by hitting enter
Then edit the post in proper format, see https://samiuljoy.github.io/demo/syntax.html for more details about writing posts properly.
Alternatively if you're editing a base.md file, see how to properly format a base.md file -> https://samiuljoy.github.io/demo/basepage.html
- Adding a post to a pre-formated $dir/base.md
$ sh main.sh add
dirname and filename.md to add [eg-> blog/blog.md]: blog/article1.md
Use [d]efault date or [c]ustom date [d/c]: enter d or c <-- the date entry for the article
Add a title: some title
This will auto add an article entry in the blog/base.md file and format it properly
- Remove the latest post you just entered
To remove the latest post you entered if you've added it through sh main.sh add
, then run;
$ sh main.sh remove latest
Alternatively you can use a custom file name $dir/base.md like this;
$ sh main.sh remove last blog/base.md
It has to be a base.md file since article entries are called from base.md files.
- Convert a single markdown file to html
You can convert any file with filename.md to a html file. This inlcudes base.md files and also normal md files;
$ sh main.sh html blog/base.md
$ sh main.sh html about.md
This will generate a html file format for that $file.md
- Convert all markdown files to html format
$ sh main.sh all
This will convert all markdown files mentioned in the ++sitemap --sitemap region to be converted to filename.html
- Generate a rss for your site
$ sh main.sh rss
This will generate a rss feed based on latest entires on base.md files.
- Remove or add a directory entry
To add a directory entry to all files and also config.txt; do
$ sh main.sh adddir
Enter the name of the directory: testdir
Enter the name to be displayed on webpages: testdirectory
The name of the directory is testdir and the display name is testdirectory, is this correct? [y/n]: y
This will add directory entries to config files and also to all base.md files mentioned in config.txt. Then run;
$ sh main.sh all
To generate renewed version of the base files. Now, you can also remove directory entries the same way with rmdir;
$ sh main.sh rmdir
- Make clean site
$ sh main.sh final
This will generate a final clean site with all your html files in main-site directory.
- Here's what I'd do
First clone the git,
$ git clone https://github.com/samiuljoy/ssg.git
then cd to that ssg, then run;
$ sh main.sh config
then edit the ++sitemap and --sitemap region of the config.txt file to add my markdown files, then run navgen to generate navigation section
$ sh main.sh navgen
Then run init to initialize all files and directories
$ sh main.sh init
Then edit index.md file -> see here how to edit index.md file https://samiuljoy.github.io/demo/indexpage.html
Then edit all base.md files -> see here how to edit base.md file https://samiuljoy.github.io/demo/basepage.html
Then run;
$ sh main.sh add
To add new posts to articles and generate article entries automatically.
When done creating all files, I'd do;
$ sh main.sh all
To generate html pages from all mardown pages
Then generate a rss;
$ sh main.sh rss
Then to clean everything up and make it a final site;
$ sh main.sh final
Now head over to main-site directory where your files are ready to be published
Note: Images and medias should be in assets directory
Visit https://samiuljoy.github.io for detailed info.