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⚡ Fast Olympic Coding ⚡

Testcases Gif

Fast Olympic Coding is an extension to assist with various tasks in competitive programming. It is a ported and enhanced version of the corresponding Sublime Text plugin that also leverages the power of VSCode.

⚡ Overview

  • 📜 Concurrently run, edit, and delete multiple testcases
  • 👨🏻‍💻 Stress tester to find counterexamples
  • 👜 Insert pre-written code from another file with automatic folding
  • 🛜 Reads contests and problems from Competitive Companion
  • 🏃 BLAZINGLY FAST! Asynchronous design + optimizations = 99% spam proof!

💻 Keybinds

  • Compile (if file has compile command and file had changed) and run all testcases: Ctrl+Alt+B
  • Stop all testcases: Ctrl+Alt+K
  • Delete all testcases: Ctrl+Alt+D
  • Run stress test: Ctrl+Alt+G
  • Insert file template: Ctrl+Alt+I

📥 Install within VSCode or at Visual Studio Marketplace

</> Setting Up

Provide run settings for the languages you use in settings.json. Here are some examples for C++, Python, and Java:

  "fastolympiccoding.runSettings": {
    ".cpp": {
      "compileCommand": "g++ -std=gnu++20 -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG ${path:${file}} -o ${path:${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}${exeExtname}}",
      "runCommand": "${path:${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}${exeExtname}}"
    ".py": {
      "runCommand": "python ${path:${file}}"
    ".java": {
      "compileCommand": "javac ${path:${file}}",
      "runCommand": "java -cp ${fileDirname} ${fileBasenameNoExtension}"

We can use the following variables in the syntax of ${...}

  • Most of VSCode's built-in variables
  • ${exeExtname} returns .exe for Windows and an empty string for other platforms
  • ${path:*value*} normalizes *value* into a valid path string for the current platform
Settings per language
  • compileCommand (optional): Command to run before runCommand when the file content changed
  • runCommand: Command to run the solution
  • currentWorkingDirectory (optional): sets the current working directory for runCommand

📜 Testcase Window

📄 Other features include...

  • Show/hide the testcase details
  • Shortened details of testcases for huge outputs
    • View full text by clicking on their corresponding arrows
  • Color supported output for compile errors
  • ... and so much more!

2nd Demo Gif

Diff View Image
View wrong answers in a diff view!
General setting for both Testcase Window and Stress Tester
  • font: Font family used to render text (restart extension to apply)
  • runSettings: Object of run settings
  • maxDisplayCharacters: Maximum number of characters to display for each output
  • maxDisplayLines: Maximum number of lines to display for each output

👨🏻‍💻 Stress Tester

Required files (naming scheme can be configured in settings):

  • <name>.[ext]: the solution to bruteforce against
  • <name>__Good.[ext]: the solution that outputs the correct answer
  • <name>__Generator.[ext]: to generate inputs for the other 2 files
    • The extension provides a 64-bit integer seed input for random number generators!
Stress Tester Gif
Stress Tester was able to find an counterexample due to an integer overflow bug!
Settings for Stress Tester
  • goodSolutionFile: Full path for good solution file (supports ${...})
  • generatorFile: Full path for generator file (supports ${...})
  • delayBetweenTestcases: Amount of delay between generated testcases in milliseconds (minimum: 5)
  • maxRuntime: Maximum time in milliseconds the Stress Tester is allowed to spend on one testcase (-1 for no limit)

👜 Inserting Prewritten Code

  • Add the root directory of the templates to the settings
  • Remove trailing newlines for fold to work (folding is optional via settings)
Insert File Template Gif
Adding a tree reroot DP template without switching files
Possible settings
  • fileTemplatesBaseDirectory: Full path to the base directory of all prewritten files (supports ${...})
  • foldFileTemplate (default: false): Whether to fold the newly inserted prewritten code

🛜 Competitive Companion

  • Open the extension to start the listening process!
Problem Parsing Gif
Using Competitive Companion to parse a CodeForces problem
Contest Parsing Gif
We can parse an entire CodeForces Div.3 Contest!
Settings for Competitive Companion integration
  • openSelectedFiles (default: true): Whether to open all the selected files
  • askForWhichFile (default: false): Ask for which file to write testcase onto, even when a file is currently opened and only a single problem has been received
  • includePattern (default: **/*): Glob pattern to filter in the included files for asking prompt
  • excludePattern (default: empty): Glob pattern to filter out the included files for asking prompt

© Attributions

  • FastOlympicCoding: The original Sublime Text package that inspired this extension 💖
  • Flaticon: Icon for this extension 💖