PSAURON is a machine learning model for rapid assessment of protein coding gene annotation. Link to paper coming soon...
$ pip install psauron
PSAURON can run on GPU or CPU and depends on PyTorch, which can be annoying 😞
It may help to install PSAURON in a virtual enviromment 🙂
$ python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
$ source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
$ pip install psauron
PSAURON takes as input a single multi-fasta file and outputs a .csv with scores for all reading frames.
By default, PSAURON uses all six frames of the nucleotide coding sequences (CDS).
$ psauron -i path_to_your_CDS.fa -o path_to_output.csv
You may also provide a multi-fasta with protein (amino acid) sequence.
$ psauron -i path_to_your_protein.faa -o path_to_output.csv -p
...or request PSAURON score only the in-frame nucleotide sequence.
$ psauron -i path_to_your_CDS.fa -o path_to_output.csv -s
Note: internal stop codons are ignored by PSAURON. A high PSAURON score does not guarantee a sequence contains a valid ORF. This is intended behavior, as alternate frame scores are used by default to boost the power of the model.
psauron [-h] -i INPUT_FASTA [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-m MINIMUM_LENGTH] [-e EXCLUDE] [--inframe INFRAME] [--outframe OUTFRAME] [-c] [-s] [-p] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FASTA, --input-fasta INPUT_FASTA
REQUIRED path to FASTA with spliced CDS sequence or protein sequence. A spliced CDS fasta can be created from a GTF/GFF and a reference FASTA by using gffread.
-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
OPTIONAL path to output results file, default=./psauron_score.csv
OPTIONAL exclude all proteins shorter than m amino acids, default=5
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
OPTIONAL exclude any CDS where FASTA description contains given text (case invariant), e.g. "hypothetical", default=None
--inframe INFRAME OPTIONAL probability threshold used to determine final psauron score, in-frame, higher number decreases sensitivity and increases specificity, default=0.5, range=[0,1]
--outframe OUTFRAME OPTIONAL probability threshold used to determine final psauron score, out-of-frame, higher number increases sensitivity and decreases specificity, default=0.5, range=[0,1]
-c, --use-cpu OPTIONAL set -c to force usage of CPU instead of GPU, default=False
-s, --single-frame OPTIONAL set -s to score only the in-frame CDS, which may lower accuracy of the model, default=False
-p, --protein OPTIONAL set -p if your FASTA contains amino acid protein sequence, which may lower accuracy of the model, default=False
-v, --verbose OPTIONAL set -v for verbose output with progress bars etc., default=False
-i INPUT_FASTA, REQUIRED path to FASTA with spliced CDS sequence. This fasta can be created from a GTF/GFF and a reference FASTA by using gffread.
Example gffread commands to get CDS FASTA:
gffread -x CDS_FASTA.fa -g genome.fa input.gff
gffread -x CDS_FASTA.fa -g genome.fa input.gtf