SBPL module for remote printing
This provides the function of remote printing directly to the printer existing on your LAN by using SBPL (SATO Barcode Printer Language) provided by SATO Corp.
This enables arbitrary label cutting which can not be controlled by a normal Windows printer.
This module has a function to print TrueType fonts using Freetype. Execute method ttf_write().
This module is a prototype and may not satisfy your work, but since it is Pure Python, you can add and change features yourself.
$ pip install sbpl
from sbpl import *
comm = SG412R_Status5()
# open the socket
with"", 1024):
# send the initialize packet
# generate label...
gen = LabelGenerator()
with gen.packet_for_with():
with gen.page_for_with():
gen.set_label_size((1000, 3000))
gen.pos((260, 930))
gen.codabar(("0004693003005000", 3, 100))
gen.pos((160, 1000))
# send the main packet for printing
# send the finalize packet
# (auto closed to exit from 'with:')
Multiple pages of label data can be com.send() between com.prepare() and com.finish(). Since LabelGenerator caches label data for multiple pages, com.send() needs only to be called once at the end.
The label paper will usually be cut page by page, depending on the printer's default settings. If you do not want to cut, call gen.skip_cutting().
You can describe print contents in JSON format and can specify them all together.
{"host":"", "port": 1024, "communication": "SG412R_Status5"},
{"set_label_size": [1000, 3000]},
{"shift_jis": 0},
{"rotate_270": 0},
{"comment":"==ticket main=="},
{"pos": [710, 130], "expansion": [6000], "ttf_write": "TEST CONSERT", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [530, 1040], "expansion": [2700], "ttf_write": "Organizer: Python High School", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [370, 50], "expansion": [3700], "ttf_write": "Friday, February 14, 2014 14:00", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [300, 80], "expansion": [2800], "ttf_write": "Indoor playground", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [230, 30], "expansion": [3500], "ttf_write": "Free seat $5.00", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [180, 50], "expansion": [1800], "ttf_write": "Drinks can be brought in but alcohol is prohibited.", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [260, 930], "codabar": ["0004693003005000", 3, 100]},
{"pos": [160, 1000], "expansion": [1,1], "bold_text": "0004693003005000"},
{"comment":"==ticket parted=="},
{"pos": [780, 1610], "expansion": [2500], "ttf_write": "TEST", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [670, 1610], "expansion": [2500], "ttf_write": "CONSERT", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [620, 1630], "expansion": [2000], "ttf_write": "Friday, February 14, 2014 14:00", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [580, 1630], "expansion": [2000], "ttf_write": "14:00", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [420, 1610], "expansion": [2000], "ttf_write": "Free seat", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"pos": [330, 1600], "expansion": [2000], "ttf_write": "$5.00", "font": "mplus-1p-medium.ttf"},
{"print": 1}
from sbpl import *
json_str = "(defined adobe)"
comm = SG412R_Status5()
gen = LabelGenerator()
parser = JsonParser(gen)
The Json format can include multiple pages of label data. Since Json is an entire array, you just have to add the data of the next page as the third and subsequent elements.
{"host":"", "port": 1024, "communication": "SG412R_Status5"},
["1st page"],
["2nd page"],
["3rd page"]
Copyright 2018 KATO Kanryu([email protected])