Scraper is a small command line/console utility. It is used for retrieving information from the Sainsbury's website about products and displaying the information to the user in the console output.
Scraper utility assumes the following dependencies installed on the system.
- Java 1.8 JDK
Scraper uses Gradle to control its build and test process. It follows the standard tasks provided by many Gradle projects such as:
Build the JAR. Scraper utilises the ShadowJar plugin to build a "fat" JAR containing all the dependencies required to run the application.
$ ./gradlew clean shadowJar
Run tests
$ ./gradlew clean check
Execute the application
java -jar build/libs/scraper-1.0-all.jar
Scrape a different url
java -jar build/libs/scraper-1.0-all.jar --url
View all parameters
java -jar build/libs/scraper-1.0-all.jar --help