Salesforce1 Platform has a built-in SAML Identity Provider. This project isn't needed for production deployments. Learn more here: Enable Salesforce as a SAML Identity Provider
A sample SAML IdP implementation in Apex. It is SP-init only and supports HTTP Redirect binding for Requests, and HTTP POST for Responses. Tested against Google.
- Create an Object called SAML_Service_Provider__c with ACS_URL__c URL(255), CertificateName__c Text(255), Entity_ID__c Text(255) (Unique Case Insensitive), and Issuer__c Text(255)
- Upload the static resource as public and all it js_inflate
- Create the code from the Apex, and Pages directory
- Adjust permissions on your profiles to allow the proper users to be able to excute the management and SPInit endpoints
- Generate a self-signed cert in Key and Certificates ( if you don't have one already )
- Go to /apex/SAMLManagement and configure a Service Provider
Now, you can have your Service Providers SP-init against /apex/SAMLSPInit.