Read and follow the directions in the Omnistudio migration documentation:
- Install SFDX cli using the official documentation located here.
- Authenticate your SFDX cli into the org you are going to use for development. You can follow authentication steps here.
- In a new terminal session, install the plugin using the following command
sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/plugin-omnistudio-migration-tool
- To run the migration tool, run the following command from your command line tool:
// To migrate everything
sfdx omnistudio:migration:migrate -u [email protected] --namespace=VLOCITY_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE
//to migrate specific components: FlexCards, DataRaptors, Integration Procedures, or OmniScripts, add the following parameters:
//to migrate all versions of the components and not just the active ones:
- An HTML page will be open in your default browser with the results of your migration job.
$ sfdx omnistudio:migration:migrate [-n <string>] [-f] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel
-n, --namespace=namespace the namespace of the vertical package
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target
org; overrides default target org
-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub
org; overrides default dev hub org
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
-a, --allversions migrate all versions and not
and not just the active ones.