Artemis .pfs file unpacker and packer written in Rust.
Artemis is a game engine. It uses .pfs files to store game assets.
This project provides tools to unpack and pack .pfs files used by the Artemis system. It is written entirely in Rust.
- Unpack .pfs files
- Pack .pfs files
Usage: pfs_rs [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
unpack Unpack a Artemis pfs archive
pack Pack a directory into a Artemis pfs archive
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-f, --overwrite Force overwrite existing files
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: pfs_rs unpack [OPTIONS] <INPUT> <OUTPUT>
<INPUT> Input file, ending in .pfs, can be a glob pattern
<OUTPUT> Output directory
-s, --split-output Unpack single file rather than all related files
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
To unpack a .pfs file:
pfs_rs unpack <path_to_pfs_file> <path_to_extract_dir>
└── Artemis
├── pfs_rs
├── root.pfs
├── root.pfs.000
├── root.pfs.001
├── root.pfs.002
├── root.pfs.003
├── root.pfs.004
└── root.pfs.005
To unpack one pfs file
pfs_rs unpack root.pfs root
To unpack all pfs files with glob
pfs_rs unpack "*.pfs*" .
Will unpack all .pfs files to
.you can also drag pfs files into the executable file to unpack them
Usage: pfs_rs pack <INPUT> <OUTPUT>
<INPUT> Input directory
<OUTPUT> Output file, ending in .pfs
-h, --help Print help
To pack files into a .pfs file:
pfs_rs pack <path_to_dir> <path_to_pfs_file>
│ ├── font
│ ├── image
│ ├── pc
│ ├── script
│ ├── sound
│ ├── system
│ └── system.ini
To pack whole game folder
pfs_rs pack Artemis root.pfs
To pack multiple folders
├── Artemis │ ├── font │ ├── image │ ├── pc │ ├── script │ ├── sound │ ├── system │ ├── system.ini │ └── pfs_rs
pfs_rs font image pc system.ini
Will pack specified dirs and files into root.pfs.
you can also drag folders into the executable file to pack them