Is an addon for Garrys Mod available through the Steam Workshop.
Pull requests are very welcome. Don't forget to update the changelog.
If you want to just discuss something about the addon please use the facepunch forum thread.
Refrain from using the forum thread to report issues. They easily get lost. Please use the github issue tracker. Remember to include all relevant information. Did you recieve any error? What did you do? Can you reproduce it? If it is an unexpected behaviour then what outcome did you expect?
Some issues can be really hard to reproduce since there may be a conflicting addon causing the issue. If that is the case it is important that you include a list of all the addons you have.
All issues with insufficient information will be closed.
Please refrain from publishing your own version. The reason you should refrain from doing this is because the project will become fragmented. What is fixed in the official version may not be fixed in the unofficial. Make a pull request and get it into the official version instead.