Chito → language: Nepali → छिटो → meaning: Fast
Socket → meaning: Web Socket
ChitoSocket is a fast, lightweight WebSockets library with room systems for Go. It can handle millions of connections and uses very little RAM. ChitoSocket is easy to use, and you can write a blazingly fast WebSockets application in less than 10 lines of code. ChitoSocket is built on top of the gobwas/ws library. It is also based on the findings of the article "Million WebSockets and Go" by FreeCodeCamp. ChitoSocket is still under development, you can see the examples in the ChitoSocket Example GitHub repository to learn how to use it.
Example Project
✨Chitosocket Packages✨
Langauge | Package Link |
EcmaScript/ JS | |
* New Packages Coming Soon * |
conn, readWritter, subscruber, err := chitosocket.UpgradeConnection(c.Request(), c.Response())
chitosocket.Emit("message", "room", op, data)
chitosocket.On["message"] = func(subs *chitosocket.Subscriber, op ws.OpCode, data map[string]interface{}) {
chitosocket.Emit("message", "room", op, data)
That's it!!