An Android app to view about Royal Enfield and calculate total amount & fuel required to travel from one place to another.
“Riders Delight” purpose is to calculate liter & price needed to travel a certain distance based on the user input. Google maps api’s used to provide maps info based on To/From entered, SQLite for performing database operations.
NOTE: Currently building a new app using latest Android Technology and tools
Technology used
• Java in Android • SqLite Database for Android Client. • Intents – to move from one activity to another in android • Fragments – Supporting multiple screen, effective UI inside activity. • XML to create user interface using layouts • Viewpager for swipe views, ViewFlipper for auto swipe based on handler. • Listview to display details. • Navigation drawer for effective UI • Google maps distance matrix API to fetch distance,duration, from, to details. • Google maps nearby places search API to fetch the nearby gas station based on current user location and range (in Kms) specified by user. • Json parsing and retrieving needed details from Google Maps API result.
App is released in Google Play Store, please find the link below for viewing the same:
Future additions to the project: 1.A server architecture to support GCM for frequent notification updates and save the notifications in client end SqLite DB and populate in Listview for user viewing. 2.Material design for more vibrant UI with transition animations. 3.Addition of employee account page and write & share travel experience feature.
PS: Interested people are welcome to contribute to expand the Apps scope. Also budding developers can refer this app to get a basic understanding of Android architecture and concepts.
In case of feedback,other details, reach me at [email protected]