A fully functional test App prepared for Adyen, Netherlands
Android Foursquare Location App
This repository contains a solution to take-home technical test, featuring an Android application (the app module) that integrates with the Foursquare Places API. The app retrieves and displays a list of nearby venues based on the user's current location, showcasing modern Android development practices with a clean architecture.
The app module implements a location-based venue browsing experience with the following core functionality:
- Location Fetching: The app retrieves the user's current location using Google Play Services Location API, prompting for permission and location enablement if necessary.
- Venue Retrieval: It queries the Foursquare Places API with the user's latitude and longitude to fetch a list of nearby venues.
- Minimal UI: Displays venue details (name, categories, distance, address, timezone) in a clean, user-friendly list, with a fallback to a "Location Required" screen if location access is unavailable.
- Error Handling: Manages network errors, permission denials, and disabled location services gracefully, guiding users to enable location settings when needed.
The business logic is structured using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern within a Clean Architecture framework:
- Presentation Layer: Handles UI state and user interactions.
- Domain Layer: Encapsulates use cases for fetching venues.
- Data Layer: Manages API calls and data transformation.
- Reactive State Management: Updates the UI based on location and venue data changes in real-time.
- Permission Handling: Requests and verifies location permissions seamlessly.
- Minimal Change: While not directly applicable to the app, the underlying architecture supports extensibility (e.g., for future payment features like the cash register).
The app leverages the latest Android technologies to ensure a robust, maintainable, and modern implementation:
- Jetpack Compose: Declarative UI toolkit for building a responsive and minimal venue list interface.
- Hilt: Dependency injection framework for managing dependencies across layers.
- Kotlin Coroutines: Asynchronous programming for API calls, location fetching, and state updates.
- Flow and StateFlow: Reactive streams for propagating state changes from the ViewModel to the UI.
- Retrofit: HTTP client for interacting with the Foursquare Places API.
- Moshi: JSON parsing library for deserializing API responses into Kotlin data classes.
- OkHttp: Networking layer with interceptors for logging and debugging API requests.
- Google Play Services Location: Provides accurate location data with minimal setup.
- Coil: Image loading library for potential future enhancements (e.g., venue images).
- JUnit 5: Unit testing framework for verifying business logic across layers.
- MockK: Mocking library for isolating dependencies in unit tests.
- Kotlin: Primary language, leveraging its modern features like coroutines and extension functions.
The app follows a Clean Architecture approach:
Presentation Layer:
- MainActivity: Single activity coordinating location permissions and UI setup.
- VenueScreen: Stateless Compose UI displaying venues.
- LocationRequiredScreen: Prompts users to enable location.
- VenueViewModel: Manages UI state with StateFlow.
Domain Layer:
- GetNearbyPlacesUseCase: Encapsulates venue-fetching logic.
- NearbyPlace & NearbyPlaceLocation: Domain models.
Data Layer:
- NearbyPlacesRepository: Bridges remote data source and domain.
- NearbyPlacesRemoteDataSource: Fetches data from the Foursquare API.
- NearbyPlacesMapper: Transforms API models to domain models.
- PlacesService: Retrofit interface for API calls.
- Clone the Repository: git clone
- Add API Key: Insert your Foursquare API key into app/build.gradle.kts as a BuildConfig variable (API_KEY).
- Build and Run: Open in Android Studio, sync Gradle, and run on an emulator or device (API 30+ recommended).
Unit tests cover key components:
- ViewModel: Verifies state transitions (Loading, Success, Error).
- UseCase: Ensures correct venue data retrieval.
- Repository: Validates data mapping and flow.
- RemoteDataSource: Confirms API response handling.
- Run tests with: ./gradlew test
Built with the latest stable Android libraries and Kotlin features as of February 2025. Focuses on quality over quantity, adhering to SOLID principles and modern Android best practices.