Data source: the City of New Westminster's tree inventory dataset:
Contains information licenced under the Open Government Licence - City of New Westminster:
Update, February 2022: It looks like the city's data website has been redesigned, and I can't find the dataset there anymore. I've emailed the city to see what's up, but in the meantime this repo has the last JSON file I downloaded from May 2021.
Update, March 2022: It's back! The dataset can be downloaded here:
Thank you to the City of New Westminster for doing this.
Note: it looks like this dataset now covers the whole city, instead of being split into east/west like it was before. I have not yet tried this new dataset in this repo. As noted above, the repo still has the last JSON file I downloaded in May 2021.
Thank you:
- Leaflet.js
- Georges Labrèche for; I stole much of the map code from him
- The City of New Westminster:
Note: I'm working (slowly...) on new functionality, which you can see at
Geoserver + PostGIS
- -- excellent templates here