cronops is an (monolith, for now) app that tries to automate away manual processes with modular plugins and periodic tasks.
$ go get -u
$ cronops
[2021-01-11 22:15:00] INFO found 3 task(s)
[2021-01-11 22:15:00] WARN task example2 is disabled
[2021-01-11 22:15:00] INFO reloaded: /Users/username/.cronops/config.yml
[2021-01-11 22:15:00] INFO enabled example (@every 5s), next run 2021-01-11 22:15:05 +0100 CET
[2021-01-11 22:15:00] INFO enabled jiratoslack (@every 5s), next run 2021-01-11 22:15:05 +0100 CET
[2021-01-11 22:15:05] INFO example: hello world
[2021-01-11 22:15:05] INFO jiratoslack: ingored issueKey TEST-6
[2021-01-11 22:15:05] INFO jiratoslack: ignored summary ignore
[2021-01-11 22:15:07] INFO jiratoslack: posted the first message to slack channel CXXXXXXXXXX
[2021-01-11 22:15:07] INFO jiratoslack: posted issue TEST-8 to slack thread
[2021-01-11 22:15:07] INFO jiratoslack: posted issue TEST-7 to slack thread
[2021-01-11 22:15:07] INFO jiratoslack: posted issue TEST-3 to slack thread
[2021-01-11 23:02:22] INFO config file changed: /Users/username/.cronops/config.yml
[2021-01-11 23:02:22] INFO found 3 task(s)
[2021-01-11 23:02:22] WARN task example2 is disabled
[2021-01-11 23:02:22] WARN task jiratoslack is disabled
[2021-01-11 23:02:22] INFO reloaded: /Users/username/.cronops/config.yml
[2021-01-11 23:02:22] INFO enabled example (@every 5s), next run 2021-01-11 23:02:27 +0100 CET
[2021-01-11 23:02:27] INFO example: hello world
- spf13/viper - Used to manage Go configuration dynamically
- fsnotify/fsnotify - Watches configuration file and notifies cronops
- robfig/cron - Schedule cron jobs in Go
- sirupsen/logrus - For logging
- mitchellh/mapstructure - Decode maps in Go
- andygrunwald/go-jira - Used to search for issues in Jira
- slack-go/slack - Slack library for Go
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details