Importing necessary modules: Flask: The Flask framework for creating the application. render_template: A function for rendering HTML templates. request: An object for accessing data submitted in HTTP requests. url_for: A function for generating URLs for routes. flash: A function for storing messages to be displayed to the user. redirect: A function for redirecting to a different route. g: An object for storing global variables. Response: A class for creating HTTP responses. SQLAlchemy: A library for working with databases in Flask. LoginManager: A utility for managing user authentication. UserMixin: A mixin class providing default implementations for user methods. generate_password_hash: A function for generating password hashes. check_password_hash: A function for checking password hashes. datetime: A module for working with dates and times. Mail: A class for sending emails in Flask.
Creating the Flask application: An instance of the Flask class is created with the name of the current module as the argument.
Configuring the Flask application: Various configuration options are set using the app.config object. These options include the database URI, secret key, email server settings, and more.
Initializing extensions: The Mail and SQLAlchemy extensions are initialized with the Flask application.
Defining the database models: Two models are defined using SQLAlchemy: User and Appointments. The User model represents a user in the system and contains fields such as username, email, password, and role. The Appointments model represents an appointment and contains fields such as name, email, date, and references to the user who requested the appointment and the doctor who will handle it.
Configuring the login manager: The login_manager object is initialized and configured to handle user authentication. The load_user function is defined to load a user from the database based on the user ID. The unauthorized_callback function is defined to handle unauthorized access to protected routes.
Defining routes and view functions: Several routes are defined for different parts of the application. Each route has a corresponding view function that handles the logic and renders the appropriate template. The view functions use the models and database operations to perform tasks such as user registration, login, appointment management, and more.
Running the application: The application is run using the method.