204 commits
to develop
since this release
What's Changed
- Fix some errors in documentation of cachefunc by @user202729 in #39061
- Refactor period lattice by @user202729 in #39212
- Add keyword prec for exponential and logarithm of Drinfeld modules by @xcaruso in #39214
- Require Python 3.11 or newer; remove outdated workarounds by @tobiasdiez in #39251
- add parameter immutable to generators in
(part 2) by @dcoudert in #39266 - Allow coercion from Frac(QQ[x]) to LaurentSeriesRing(QQ) by @user202729 in #39365
- Add documentation to LaurentSeries point to accessors by @user202729 in #39366
- Allow system python 3.13 by @antonio-rojas in #39381
- details in braid groups by @fchapoton in #39397
- Use import_module instead of find_spec by @user202729 in #39423
- Magma padics by @fchapoton in #39449
- remove deprecated stuff in permutation.py by @fchapoton in #39454
- Trivial simplifications for arccos by @fchapoton in #39456
- remove some deprecations in groups by @fchapoton in #39466
- add tuple typing to gens methods in algebras by @fchapoton in #39473
- convert gens method in modular to return tuple by @fchapoton in #39474
- typing annotation for gens method in rings and groups (pyx files) by @fchapoton in #39476
- typing and details in tableaux files by @fchapoton in #39477
- Fixed crash when exp(0) of p-adic numbers is called by @Noel-Roemmele in #39479
- Fixed issue in list_plot where it assumed data had been enumerated when it might not have been by @Noel-Roemmele in #39481
- fix one typo by @fchapoton in #39482
- Implement conversion from laurent series to rational function field by @user202729 in #39485
- Finish changing Rational's round method default rounding to even by @user202729 in #39486
- Improvement of the rendering of the documentation in polynomial sequence by @MercedesHaiech in #39487
- Fix issue on matrix construction over integer mod ring for large coefficients by @HugoPasse in #39488
- fix several oeis related doctests by @fchapoton in #39489
- fixing doctests failures in misc/latex*.py by @seblabbe in #39491
- Fix more doctests in meson_editable install by @user202729 in #39494
- Add documentation of Gabidulin codes in the reference manual by @xcaruso in #39495
- Add deformation cones and checking for regularity for Point Configurations and normal fans of Polyhedra by @jplab in #39496
- moving random_element to category of rings by @fchapoton in #39497
- Apply sort and filter of walk_packages consistently by @user202729 in #39498
- Improve sage_getfile by looking at init by @user202729 in #39499
- Implement im_gens in the class fraction_field_FpT by @xcaruso in #39504
- Improve handling of strings supplied as matrix entries by @DaveWitteMorris in #39505
- New algorithm for cuts of a Poset by @LudovicSchwob in #39506
- Fix some typo by @user202729 in #39508
- Add a doctest for HomsetsCategory._make_named_class_key by @user202729 in #39509
- add of the function rank_support_of_vector by @camille-garnier in #39510
- Show test failures of ci-meson as annotations by @user202729 in #39513
- line_graph for multigraphs by @fabien-vignes in #39518
- rename also set-like species by @mantepse in #39521
- multi polynomial element/repr by @mantepse in #39523
- Test on CI that update-meson is properly ran by @user202729 in #39527
- Improvement to flint_autogen reader by @user202729 in #39530
- build/pkgs: update eclib to version 20250122 by @orlitzky in #39533
- Fix a nonfunctional long time doctest tag by @user202729 in #39536
- Remove dead mailing lists. by @Carreau in #39541
- use Parent in quotient rings too by @fchapoton in #37158
- Implemented
and modified further methods to extend quaternion algebra functionality to number fields by @S17A05 in #37173 - Implicit function solver for lazy series by @mantepse in #38108
- Add support for pseudomorphisms by @xcaruso in #38650
- Turn some doctests in
into long tests by @S17A05 in #38824 - Allow CRT_list() to be called with one argument by @user202729 in #38986
- Add reseed_rng option to p_iter_fork by @mklss in #39025
- Remove erroneous member declaration in farey_symbol by @user202729 in #39092
- Improve hack used in debug_options by @user202729 in #39093
- Add note about makeflags and ninja parallelism by @user202729 in #39128
- Class polynomial for Drinfeld modules by @xcaruso in #39215
- introduce new apozeta polynomial for posets by @fchapoton in #39248
- Add Pseudomorphism Implementation for Free Modules by @ymusleh in #37214
New Contributors
- @MercedesHaiech made their first contribution in #39487
- @HugoPasse made their first contribution in #39488
- @jplab made their first contribution in #39496
- @LudovicSchwob made their first contribution in #39506
- @camille-garnier made their first contribution in #39510
- @fabien-vignes made their first contribution in #39518
- @mklss made their first contribution in #39025
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta6...10.6.beta7