An equity crowdfunding app managed with smart contracts that allows users to invest in projects with crypto in return of equity.
At present, Crowdfunding source of raising funds typically for startups or projects has gained popularity with most startups resorting to the use of Crowdfunding platforms to raise funds in exchange of equity because it is relatively inexpensive and uncomplicated in nature. In the existing model, Pool of people contribute small amounts of money towards a project or cause and expect some financial returns. The call for a solution to issues related to security, investor abuse and, illegal transactions that could plague crowdfunding has lead me to investigate the implications of blockchain in Crowdfunding.
- A global challenge facing start-ups is the raising of the required funds. Although there are many sources of funds available to entrepreneurs who wish to start new businesses or expand existing ones, the challenge of getting inexpensive funding at the right time still remains a challenge in the small business domain. The emergence of crowdfunding as a brainchild of crowd-sourcing provides an alternative form of funding for start-ups.
- Collective is an online equity crowdfunding platform managed by smart contracts on Ethereum. The platform enables start-ups and projects to raise funding in return of equity. Individual can invest a relatively small amount of money in-order to receive stake in a company at an early stage hoping to get good returns in the long-term as the startup/project grows. Along with funding, Collective also enables startups/projects to find the required talent for their projects.
- What makes Collective truly unique is its decentralized and autonomous approach towards crowdfunding using smart contract that are deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and a mobile app created using Google’s Flutter which can be used on both Android and IOS.
- Startups on the platform can create camps in which normal users can purchase equity by investing CTV ( Collective token ) a ERC20 fungible token exclusive only to the Collective platform. This platform exclusive ERC20 token along with smart contracts enables Collective to tackle the issue of trust and security that plagues all the existing crowdfunding platforms.
Flutter - Android / IOS app
Node.js - Backend server with MVC architecture hosted on AWS EC2 along with NGINX reverse proxy
MongoDB - Database hosted on cloud atlas
Blockchain - Ethereum
CTV token - ERC20 token
Mocha - Testing
- Migrating to a micro-service based architecture for the backend using RabbitMQ.
- Moving all the camp images to IPFS or AWS S3 bucket.
- Improving the transaction speeds by migrating to Hedera hashgraph and implementing HTS and HSC 2.0.