A telegram bot that you can use to get trivial information about dates.
to try it launch the Telegram app and search for @DateTrivia
The bot uses numbers api from rapidapi
- Ruby
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Go to https://github.com/safafa/telegram_bot
- Install ruby on your local machine
- Click on the code and copy the code.
- Use a terminal to clone this repository on your local machine.
- Browse to the repository folder on your local machine and run
bundle install
to install all the gems needed for this code to work. - Create a bot using the Botfather in the telegram app.
- Copy the token and place it in datebot.rb and bot_spec.rb instead of
doBOTKEY = "token"
. - To make your contributions. Run
git checkout -b your-branch-name
. - Push your branch up to your forked repository.
To run the tests locally :
Run each file in the spec folder individually.
eg :
rspec ./spec/bot_spec.rb
rspec ./spec/dateapi_spec.rb
Open your terminal:
- On Windows =>
Win + R
- On Linux =>
ctrl + alt + T
- On Mac =>
Control + Option + Shift + T
- On Windows =>
Go to the directory where the bot is located, it will be the one where you cloned the repository. After you follow the steps in getting started, execute the datebot.rb by typing:
ruby bin/datebot.rb
Alright! Your bot is up and running.
Have fun!
👤 Safa Aballagh
- GitHub: @Safafa
- Twitter: @safa aballagh
- LinkedIn: Aballagh Safa
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- To Zeenat Lawal and Sebastián Rizzuto
- To my Stand Up Team who kept my morale up!